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1) Jordan

2) Justin

3)  Keira

4)  Chreasanto

5)  Hazel

6)  Jason


1) Jordan and Justin are dating

2) Keira and Chreasanto are dating

3) Jason and Hazel hate eachother

4) Justin is the Justin Bieber

5) Jason is an actor and screen writer.

6) Chreasanto is a professional basketball player

7)  Jordan is a dancer, actress and owns her own boutique and is a model

8) keira is a dancer, actress and a desginer

9)  Hazel is a singer, songwriter and plays 6 instauments

                 Chapter#1: Club

Hazel P.O.V

" Come on let's gooo". I said anxiously. "okay we're comming" Keira said willingly as she walked down the stairs. She was wearing a white and dress. Her long black hair was pulled into a tight, high bun. Her look was completed with gold, strappy heals and a gold clutch. "Where is Jordan" I said annoyed. "Right here" Marrisa yelled in a high pitch voice. She was wearing a short black dress that had white patterns all over it. Her long curly hair was pulled out of her face. She had on red, peep toe pumps and a red clutch.

       As we headed out Jordan drifted off to Justin's austintatious Aston Martin. When she got in the car she asked Justin if he was ready and then gave him a french kiss. While walking Keira also drifted of to get in her Mercedes with Chreasanto. I jumped in my royal blue Toyota Avalon. And we all pulled off from our parking spots.

        When we arrived at the night club we all valleyed our cars and once we all walked our cars, there were ear piercing screams comming from the lines of people waiting to get into the club. It was very likely to happen considering that we were with the one and only Justin Bieber and Chreasanto Roman, famous basket ball player for the Los Angeles Devils. And Jason Mcann, famous movie star and film maker. Also I was a world renkowed musician. Jordan was a model, dancer and so many other things. Keira was no different with all her jobs as a dancer, designer and many more.

        After about 4 straight hours of drinking, dancing and socializing, we decided to leave the club. As usual the boys were hammered while the girls were a little buzzed but sober enough to drive home. To my suprise jason hadn't brought any of his usual dates(/hoes) to drive him home even though they were usually as drunk as he was.

         Since i'm an awesome person i threw him in the back of my Avalon and drove to his condo almost 20 minutes away. While in the car Jason asked " Where are you taking me" he said with a confused expression on his face. " To your house" I spat. 3 minutes later he murmered something about a shot, some water, a carrot and a play boy magazine.

         When we finally arrived I dragged him out the car and up to his apartment. Upon arriving there i pulled him into his room and pulled him on the bed and brung him a bottle of water and an advil for when he wakes up in the morning. Since it was late I decided to crash at his place in one of the guest bedrooms.

                  Author's Note

Thanks for reading we're hoping this will be a big hit on wattpad. There are three writers. Me: bizzle_baby1208 (Shakira).

Rosie: DoubleRbutta1. Shady: shady0604

                Chapter #2: Thank You

Justin's P.O.V

     As I opened my eyes I groaned at the pounding sensation in my head. At the moment I remembered the we had went out that night. As I stated to sit up the love of my life walked in. Her hair was messy yet some how still perfect. She was wearing red boy shorts and a black crop top that said "Bizzle" in big pink letters. " Hay babe" I said as she walked in. "Good Morning" She said with an annoyed voice as she avioded my gaze. While starring at her my head began to pound really hard. I heild he head in my hands as I said "I have a major hangover". She replied Maybe that hoe ffom the club last night can make you feel better. "   "What are you talking about Jordan." I asked while still dazed in confusion. "you know what the fuck im talking about Justin. Yesterday while at the club before we left the club I went to the bathroom. When I came back you were dancing with another girl and basically letting her grind on you." She said sadly with anger in one eye and hurt on the other eye.

Still dazed and confused I looked at her eyes and head began to hurt even more, at the hurt in her eyes. She looking avioded my gaze, got up and walked towards the stairs, adjacent to the other side looking just like it. I rushed after her yelling and pleading with her to listen to me. She ignored me and walked faster. As she did that I sped up and mumbled a string of curses about the poundong sensation in my head.

Keira P.O.V

While yawning I reached out and felt the space next to me expecting to feel Chreasanto's hard musceled arm. But to my suprise I didn't feel any thing. I called his name. In the next minute ir so I heard pounding through the halls indicating that some one was walking through the halls. I called his name again in an unsure voice before he walked in the room.

    I picked up a small pillow and aimed for his head. He ducked and asked "what was that for". I chuckled anhe brought in a tray that had a plate with bacon, eggs and pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries cause he knows I hate cherries. As I began eating he began to pick out clithes from his closet and then began tk pick out this from my closet. " What are doing" I asked curiously. " Remember we have lunch with justin and jordan today in a fee hours. He replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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