Chapter 8: The Fight♕

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Jason's pov:

I froze.

That question was one I was trying to avoid.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Is Jason Staying for lunch?" Her mom oh so kindly asked.

"Yes ma'am." I responded almost immediately.

I swear when her mom cooks you for sure don't want to miss it.

"Okay Ari? Would you mind helping me cook?" She asked Ari.

I suppose Ari was in a trance and still in shock from what all just happened.

She looked like she was thinking hard about something. I'm just happy her mom walked in on us that time. I really want to tell Ari more of what I do.. just not, yet.

I waved my hand in Aris face

Her head snapped up in awe.

"Hm. Oh yeah, sure?" She mumbled more in as questioning tone but her mom ignored it.

"Perfect!" She paused clapping her hands together like a teenager.

See how could you not love her mom?

"Jason would you be a dear and set up the table?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said standing up.

"Do you remember where everything is?" Her mom questioned.

"Yes! This was like a second home for me. I would know where anything was blindfolded and hands tied behind my back!" I squealed.

"Yeah , because that's what you do to your victims." Ari scoffed, more likely to herself but I heard it. And let me tell you.. It hurt . She didn't know what I went through while she was away and she's judging me? She's just like everyone else.

I stared at her. Shocked was to say an understanding! I was beyond it. Honestly.

I stared at her still astonished and hopeless.

"What was that sweetie?" Her mom said breaking the silence.

Ari quickly looked up and looked through my hurt eyes and her eyes turned to sadness and disappointment.

"I .. Um-erm- I didn't m-mean to say that out lo-loud." Ari said her voice cracking like she was about to die or something.

"I'll go start cooking mom. " she said and just like that left but as she passed me her hand brushed against mine as to say she was sorry. I don't know.

Aris pov:

Shit . Shit. Shit. Shit!

Why did I say that out loud?

It was out of anger!

Stupid mind thoughts ugh!

I probe only just crushed him. I didn't even see him for 3 years!

I have no right to be judging him!

He hasn't told me his full story yet and here I am basically calling him a killer out loud when I know he's not.

As soon as I noticed I said that out loud I regretted it .

I felt like punching myself.

When I noticed the hurt in Jason's eyes. All my fault.

I just. I just wanted him to open up.

I still didn't get the answers.

But I just need to respect him.

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