How this all Began with the Avengers

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Chapter 1:

I followed him down the hall way full of bustling agents some holding stacks of papers others just running to their next mission. It was completely crazy, but every one seem to part and make room when they saw us walking down the hallway.

You see this is my first time being in a shield facility and well i was quite nervous.

I had to break into a jog just to keep up with him. He already told me were late but he didn't tell me we would be practically running through the entire FUCKING SHIELD BUILDING I MEAN


Anyway so here i am following my idol and trying not to physically shit my self like when i met Coulson. ( don't worry i don't think he noticed . I think)

oh did i mention i was following NICK MOTHERFUCKING FURY BITCHES!

We made it into an elevator and he swiped an ID card and a new button that wasn't there before emerged he pressed the button and the elevator zoomed upward, causing me to loose my breath.

He didn't say anything and i didn't either. For once, in quite the talker i literally will say anything thats on my mind.

But thank god it had half the sense to shut the fuck up this once

The doors opened and he began his fast paced 'walking'.

That shit was a run.

So yet again i started jogging next to him. He turned several corners till he reached a big set of double doors.

He pushed them open and i followed after him like a lost puppy.

" Nick finally!" An exasperated voice said when we walked through

He just rolled his eyes and walk to the front of the room me in tow.

After he stopped and turned to the group i did too. And i literally choked on my own spit.


" HOLY FUCKING JESUS CHRIST IN THE NAME OF TACO MAN!" I scream and they all then to look at me.

Nick just rubbed his hand over his face and turned to look at me

" yes its the avengers are you done?" He asks while the rest just look at me.

i just stare at him for a second.

did he really fucking think i wasnt going to react like this, I mean for one im in the same room as FUCKING CAPTAIN AMERICA FOR CHRIST SAKE!

i just recollect my self and say in a some what calm 'im not freaking out at all what pft what' manor.

"yeah im cool" i say. He nods and turns back to the group.

i mean shit even thor was here. this must be some fucking huge news.

"so i bet you are all wondering why i called this emergency meeting-" he begins but gets caught off my TONY FUCKING STARK.

" Well obviously but now im wondering why she" he points to me Oh my god im going to faint "is here?" he finishes

" Well i Would tell you if you would stop fucking interupting me" he said pointedly glaring at Tony.

Tony just puts his hands up in defense. Nick sighs and continues.

" You see, She" he says gesturing to me " is going to be your house mother"

" WHAT!" yell me and Tony at the same time.

i stand abruptly

" sit yo ass back down" he tells me glaring at the rest of the avengers who were litteraly yelling at him.

" NOW LISTEN UP!' Nick yells and the rest of the group quiets.

" she is going to help take care of you guys because from my intel all you guys have been eatting has been take out the past 3 months. she is going to cook meals, make sure the tower is clean, and i want you guys to give her the up most respect. do i make myself clear?" he lifts an eye brow.

" but why her?" Steve Asks Fury. "i mean no offense" he says to me.

"none taken" i say dismissivly (sorry cant spell)

" well in fact she is more than qualified to be an Avenger but she said in an interview that she is better at mothering than fighting, which must mean her mothering skills are amazing cause she is one of the best fighters in shield history. i mean she litteraly could give ms. Romanoff a run for her money" Nick said in a tone similar to a proud father.

They all just stared at me in shock. i mean i understand why i dont look that tough.

im an 5'4 hourglass figure having brunette that has big brown doe eyes. i look like a typical woman you would see in the dairy section at the grocery store. not a proven genious, skilled assaisin, shape shifting shield agent.

yes, shape shifting i have powers its acutally not that great cause keep in mind i still have insides that get squished a morfed everytime i shift. thats why i dont do it that offten. Cause it hurts like a bitch.

have you ever had your heart where your ass is supossed to be? Have you grown a penis? i think not.

After Nick explained what i just probably explained to you they all got up.

Steve came up to me first.

" welcome to the team" he said offering me his All-American boy smile.

i almost swooned.

" thank you very much" i say brightly. he smiles even more

" shall we go back to the tower" he offers out his arm.

i take it and smile " we shall" i say in im pretty sure the world worst southern bell accent ever.

he chuckles and we begin to walk in front of the group.

i hear some of them muttering in the back.

And yet again when we make it too the hallway everyone seems to part for us like we are royalty of some kind.

well i guess we are. Well they are.

when we all get out front we are meeted by a BIG ASS Escalade.

"SHOT GUN!" yelled Clint as he ran for the front of the SUV.

Steve just rolled his eyes and chuckled.

i follow him in the suv and sit next to him in the middle. the rest of the team files in and off we went.

" So whats your name, its wierd fury didnt mention it" Natasha Asks from her seat with bruce.

Everyone turned to Look at me expectidly.

"Jolie, my names Jolie" i said

And Thats how it all Began.

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