Chapter 8 - Manic comes back

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Manics pov

I came back because I heard my little brother went missing...I was so angry when O heard someone bullied him...I know because Sonics friend that knuckle-head....told me...I haven't seen that big oath since the family-reunion....and its a miracle that I remember my family and knowing how to fight...but....somehow I had a really bad feeling...ever since I fought Seelkadoom and was sealed away....I had to go solo...while Sonic stayed here in the village to protect it....I gave him my pendant which he hid it in his scarf....but could my baby brother disappear like that.....*sigh*...something is seriously wrong...but that's when muscle-boy walked right pass me...I grabbed and said, and where do you think your nitwit.... he turn to see me cause he knew it was me....sheesh the last dimwitted made a fuss outta everything and this idiot has been has his flirtatious and nitwitted eyes on my brother....I seen the way he had looked at Sonic with those eyes of his... Knuckles answered, I going to find matter what happens... I was shocked to hear him say that....well this idiot does care about my brother....but I gotta bad feeling about it... then he ran off to find Sonic...before I can stop him my sister and mom called out to me...I realized that bully who teased my brother...and it was sssssoooo not cool....if only Seelkadoom haven't been corrupted none of this wouldn't be happening... me!! (Boom Sonknux)Where stories live. Discover now