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L U K E ( P O V)
I woke up feeling nauseous and quickly ran to the bathroom to throw up. My head was spinning and i was feeling dizzy also.
I looked at the clock and it was just 8:30 on the dot. I walked to my wardrobe lazily and brought out a navy blue T-shirt and a black skinny jeans with my timberland. I was going to see the the fireworks. And maybe branch over montigoes to eat my heart out. Carefully combing my hair i immediately put on my wrist watch and went out immediately.
Getting downstairs i met my mum busy sleeping on the couch. Papers were lying on the floor and the television was on.
Walking over to where she was, I picked the sheets of paper and placed them on the table before standing for some minutes to watch her sleep. She does looks very innocent in her sleep but looks can be quite deceiving.
I pushed my hair backward and picked my car key and walked out immediately.
I felt like going to the park once again. Cause Catherine was right about the park. I somehow felt at peace when i go there.
The sun was not as hot as it seemed putting on my sun shades i decided to take a walk through the garden just to ease my headache a little. The morning was soo peaceful as today was Saturday. Kids were swinging, dancing, laughing  and playing games with their families. I scanned the area and quietly went over to seat on a lonely bench under an oak tree.
I looked  over to where a dad was playing with his son and am lost in thought of how i used to come to the park with my dad. "But not my real dad" I murmmed under my breath. 
We'll end up playing football and eat ice cream all day, Then we'll go fishing and visit some exciting places. But those days were gone and am in my own boring world. Not loved again, But trying to be loved.
"Hey can i seat over here" Asked a young teenager. She was wearing a short dress with a love necklace on her neck. She was smiling warmly at me and i also noticed that she was not alone as she was holding a toddler.
"Yeah you can" I replied scooting over for her to sit.
"Thank you" She replied taking her seat immediately.
"Am Abigail Handel" She said placing her hand towards me for a handshake.
"Am Luke wright" I replied shaking her hand.
"So do you come here very often? I asked throwing a stone into the lake.
"Yeah i do" It's like my home. She closes her eye for a second and breaths out chuckling happily.
"It's such a nice place" She said folding her hands and looking at her reflection in the lake.
"Yeah. I replied taking off my shades and slowly tug my hair backward.
Just then  Kacey calls my phone and i excuse myself to take the call.
"Please this is urgent and i need to receive this call" I said flipping my phone open to pick my call.
"Yeah sure go ahead " she said smiling warmly at me.
I spend some hours contemplating with Kacey about the trip to New york. And by the time i hang up, i noticed that she was gone. Probably because i forgot she was waiting for me.

I pull my car out and headed home immediately.
Getting upstairs i overhear the conversation my step father was conversing with someone in his room And i quietly race up to hear what he was really saying.
"Yes Mr Wright here, Yeah i want you to transfer all the property under my daughter's name" I will reward you handsomely if you  just get the job done."
"Sir what about Luke?
My dad keeps quiet for some seconds and scoffs.
"He's not my son" let's have the recorder playing cause incase i dont make it. This can be used to release my property.
My heart shivers at the words said by my dad. I walk down with my head hanged down and my hands lazily dangling as i head for my room.
I fall lazily on the bed and weep my soul out.A greater hatred for my step sister has me boiling in rage. My mum was right after all, Taking my dad's life was best and i wanted to hurt him slowly till he had no will to live again .

D E B O R A H.  P O V
I got  myself busy with my nail polish and watched as Jenna was constantly switching the stations.
Just then Rose walks in dripping wet.
"What happened? We both asked as we helped her upstairs.
"My fucking car suddenly went out of gas and i was stranded, "But an angel helped me tonight.
"Wow, thank God you're safe" I said hugging her immediately.
"Now go change in to something comfortable and go to bed cause you look so exhausted'.
"Yeah she replied heading up.
I walk over to the chair i was sitting down and started polishing my nails once again


I had a hot bath afterwards and sipped some hot coffee in my room. I arrange my clothes just as Judith had taught me and i smile sheeply to myself.
Climbing on the bed i pick up a book to read and i suddenly fall  asleep while reading.

THE BILLIONAIRES DAUGHTERWhere stories live. Discover now