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"Beautiful, but she dangerous."

-Personal, HRVY


Wait... Welcome to what exactly?" My brother asks. "Why are you cutting her arm open?!"

My dad is shocked. "I never thought you would.."

"What? Do what it takes to get away from you? Andrew, do me a solid, eliminate the contract."

"It'll be done. But, you owe me one. And I never forget when someone owes me a favor."

"I'll be sure to keep up with my end of the deal." I promise him. 

"The shit you just got yourself into." He smiles at me.

"Wait.. I'm confused." My brother says.

"Are you really that slow? Your sister just fucked us over and joined a gang!" My mother says, hitting him over the head.

My mind is reeling. Too many things are happening for me to be able to process. There's blood on the floor from where the body laid just minutes ago, I'm in a gang, I owe a favor to a gang leader. I'm petrified. What would he want from me?

"Jacob, Giana, from now on you two will live at my estate with the rest of my following. Don't even protest, Jake. I know that when I said you were 18, you could leave the household. But you have to show Giana the ropes, unless you want me to do it for you." He raises a challenging eyebrow. Jake sighs and nods in submission.

I take his hand.

Jake leads me outside. My brother catches up with us quickly.

"Giana!" He breathes. "Please, come with me. I can get you two away from here, hide you. Please."

"I can't. Give me a hug, I need to leave." I tell him. I hug him, and move my lips to his ear. "It'll be over soon, brother. Don't worry. And don't say a word of what I just told you, or I'm dead."

I pull away and let Jake lead me into his hella nice car. He gets in himself.

We start to drive in silence.

"What will he do to get me out of the contract?" I ask him, nervous.

"Either find loopholes, give money, supporters for campaigns, or worse comes to worse, kills them." He tells me bluntly. My eyes widen. "Don't worry, he probably won't."

"I'm scared." I admit.

"You should be. This is very dangerous. We'll be okay, though. I promise you. We will come out of this alive." He tells me, pulling into a mansion's driveway. He leads me inside and straight to his room.

Instantly he's throwing me against the bed.

I understand. Right now, we could both use a distraction.


"I apologize for the whole inconvenience of the torture thing." Andrew apologizes, looking me dead in the eyes with no emotion.

He just randomly walked in at 2 in the morning, looking very disheveled, clearly have just had sex, and apologized.

Jake sleeps next to me. "Um, do you mind letting me get dressed really quick and we can talk?" I ask. He nods once and walks out. I quickly put on a dress and heels, and brush my hair.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asks, me following as he steps into a kitchen.

"Me joining this. I don't want to be in this just to be in it. I want to make my way around here, do you get what I mean?" I ask.

"You want to rank as high as Jake? He's the highest. You may be able to get just under him, or below Jackson. Or Ayla." He says. "Though, Ayla won't be an issue for you for long." He smiles. Unsure what he means, I ignore the statement altogether. 

"Um, yeah. I want you and I to be able to trust each other. Get what I mean?"

"Wait.. You want to work beside me at all times?" He raises an eyebrow. I nod. "No one has ever asked to do that position. That's a first."

"I owe you my life for getting me out of all contracts. I told you just that one, you got all three for me. Thank you." I tell him. He smiles again, and pours himself a glass of whiskey.

"Have you had any training whatsoever in self defense. Know how to use a gun and such?"

"Some. Jake has been training me for about two.. Three months? And I got a bullseye on the first week of training for guns, so in pretty sure that aspect will be easy." I tell him honestly.

"Good, these are things I like to hear. You're going to make me a lot of money, and a lot of dead bodies to clean." He laughs under his breath at his twisted joke. I let a fake amused laugh slip from my mouth.

"You and Jake will be training in the gym, tomorrow at 12, noon. I will attend and criticize. He's going to start pushing you ten times harder, and I'll double that, on the times I work with you." He tells me, walking up to me. He lifts my chin with a knife. "Start keeping your head up. Walk straight, sit up straight, show your confidence or they'll use your insecurities against you. Get ready, doll face, because after you get that tattoo tomorrow, you are property of mine, and I will mould you into a killing machine."

"Yes, Sir. Can I ask you one more question?"


"How many people has Jake killed?" I ask nervously. 

He told me none. Did he lie?

"Too many to count." He answers, and walks away, back to his room. 

So Jake lied to me then.

I walk back to our room and climb back into bed. "Where were you?" Jake asks.

"Talking to Andrew." I murmur, curling into a ball and pulling the blanket above me, facing away from him. He clearly catches the hint that I'm upset about something, and sits up. Why would he lie? I wouldn't have cared, but now I do care, because he didn't tell me. I want to feel understood. He must understand the feeling I'm feeling. That every time I shut my eyes, I can see that man's bloods on my hands. His face lose expression, his body falling limp beneath me, the gun clattering to the ground.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

"You have lied to me."

"What?! What did he tell you, because I'm quite sure I've never lied to you." He says, sure of himself.

"You told me that you've never killed anyone. It's not that I care that you've killed someone, it's that you lied to me about it." I huff angrily. He pulls me into him, him laughing quietly, his face coming into the crook of my neck. I can feel his smile against my skin.

"I lied because I was scared to lose you. I thought that.. If you knew I have killed many people, heartlessly and without emotion, you might run." He admits quietly, vulnerability in his voice. I smile slightly and turn around, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I love you." I murmur. "I wouldn't have run. I'm not running."

"I love you too." He whispers, holding onto me tighter.

And it's a quiet and peaceful night, where we talk for hours until we pass out, no wild sex. No arguments. No insane family. No gang. No dead bodies. Just him and I.

But when morning rose, Andrew Holfstead would begin preparing to change me in ways I'll forever be changed by.

But because of my love, lying here in my arms, I wasn't even scared.




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