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-\ TONY'S POV /-

I was pacing back and forth. I couldn't tie my tie. I needed Pepper. She's always good with this sort of thing. I was nervous. My future was about to start and I couldn't tie my own tie.

After about fifteen minutes pepper walked in with happy.

She said, "Tony are you alright?"

"Yes... no... I don't know."

I turned around to face her still fidgeting with my tie," help?"

She handed her things to happy and then walked over and helped me with my tie.

"There. Perfect."

"Thank you pepper," I smiled at her then looked back at happy," you got yourself a hell of a woman here Mr. Hogan."

"Thank you sir."

I looked back at pepper," were going to go take our seats now tony. Don't be to long."

"I won't. I just need to make a phone call to an old friend."


"Two minutes."

"Hurry tony."

She smiled at me then left with happy and found there seats. Once the doors were shut I went and made my phone call. When another knock came at the door I saw it was Bruce.

"Who was that?"

"I called peggy."

"Does Steve know shes?"

"I don't know"

"Ok well come on."

I turned off my phone and followed Bruce down to the hallway. When he and the others made were done making there way to the top of the stage the music started to play. I didn't want a traditional wedding so I convinced Steve to let me walk out to AC/DC's Shoot To Thrill.

As I started to walk down the isle I saw that each seat was taken, by shield agents, friends, the only real family I had (Pepper and Happy) and then I saw Steve. He was dressed in his military uniform. My jaw dropped when I saw him. I also noticed he was sing along with the song. Something I hadn't expected.

When I got to the end of the isle and was standing side by side with Steve everything just felt right.


As we walked down the isle and out to my car I knew my life was set for it's next new adventure.

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