No one listens

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With my body weak and my head fuzzy, I could still hear what was going on as I come conscious. The only person's voice I can recognize is my mothers. 

I go to open my eyes but surely regret it, everything blurry and i'm seeing double. My mom startles me by rushing towards me the second I open my eyes, Where am I? 

Looking around I notice i'm in a hospital bed, pink and purple balloons tied to my left beside the bed, and I have a grey elephant in my arms that I've never seen before.

With my voice strained and raspy I manage to say "w-what, w-w-where am I-I?" My mother looking at me full of concern  answers "Honey, we are at the hospital. Everything's okay." she coo's, "You just had eye surgery - How are you feeling?"

Ignoring her question I move my eyes around the room, the t.v's on playing the news the store on main street as just been robbed - wondering my eyes some more around the room, I notice someone new in the room. A male. I point to him looking at my mother being too weak to use my voice.

My mom looks at me in "awe" hoping I hadn't noticed him. She opens her mouth to speak but shuts it immediately, making strange awkwardly eye contact back and forth. 

I know I have seen him before, this is just the longest I have been in a room with him. 

"I'm your father," he breaks the awkward silence. 


3 hour later

Feeling sick and dizzy, not knowing what to do with myself I look out the window - keeping the silence in the car with this sperm donor of a father. 

My only thoughts are how much I miss my mommy, and how pissed I am for having to stay with him for my first time the same night of my surgery... 

Keep in mind I don't know him. 

And i'm fucking staying with him... like whyyy mom, I just want to be loved on right now - i'm in pain and just want to go home! She said "he's your father and he wants to be here for you, just stay the night. Everything will be okay - Ill see you tomorrow." 

I quietly start crying to myself, my eyes burning more and more every tear, I let out a quiet yelp on accident and I hurry up and cover my mouth with both hands and look over at the man beside me. He gives me the most hatred glare I've ever gotten before, and speaks "Can you just shut the fuck up?" my eyes go wide but I do as he says and look out the window and try to take a nap - not even knowing where we are headed.


The car hits gravel and comes to a complete stop, my eyes jolt open and I look around at my surroundings. A small white brick house to my left. I look over to the man with a questioning glare, not wanting to say a word. 

He opens his door, gives me a nod and starts moving in the direction of the house. I follow his lead and get out of his truck, heading to the small house with my vision blurry and my head feeling dizzy. 

We get into the house and this strange man doesn't say a word, no small talk, or any form in interest in me being his daughter. 

He sits down on the couch and turns on the big flat screen in the living room, instead of asking this 8 year old kid he has in his home what she likes watching he turns on a horror movie and keeps his eyes focused on the television while I stay standing awkwardly in the door way.

Not caring, I decide to go look around the house to find some where to lay down since I don't feel so good. I give the man on the couch a weird glare as my feet lead me through the house, passing the kitchen, bathroom, and to my left a bedroom ; guessing it's his - I open the door completely and look in side there is another flat screen on the wall, a big king size bed and a dresser. 

Walking out and opening the other door in the hallway It's a tattoo room with a big chair, a tattoo gun on the desk that sits in the middle of the room, needle boxes everywhere and tattoo books all over the floor. 

Going back into the mans room, I turn on the light, finding the remote to the  t.v  I sit on the bed and find Disney channel, when the channel is finally found - I turn off the light, grab the blanket off the bed and make myself some where to lay down on the floor in front of the t.v. 

Crying myself to sleep I finally start dozing off again - just to have my it interrupted by the door creaking open. 

My eyes still shut I hear foot steps getting closer to me, they come to a halt right in front of me - Two hands are placed under me, one hand under my legs and the other supporting my neck. The man places my body on the bed, spreads out the blanket and shuts the door. 

Crawling into the bed this stranger has no boundary problems. His head is places right beside mine, his arm is draped over my belly and his other arm makes it's way under my lower back.

Feeling scared, my heart racing he grabs my hand and places it on him - down there... making my hand go limp not wanting to do what hes trying to make me do. 

My only thoughts being "whats going on?" "What do I do?"  - "Do I scream??" "Do I run?" 

He moves his hand from my hand and back on my stomach, moving it lower and lower "stoooop, please stoooop"  in shock full of fear, absolutely not knowing what to do but lay there.

He slips his finger inside me and my eyes jolt open - finally knowing what to do, I start screaming and crying moving my body non stop trying to get him out of me, he covers my mouth making me feel weak and helpless - my crying not stopping my my struggle to move hardens when he places his other hand on top of my body causing my moving around to stop. 

From the pit in my stomach getting bigger and the lump in my throat growing, "Oh no" - I throw up all over myself and his hand, his hand not moving right away causes me to choke repeatedly as it comes up. He rips his fingers out of me causing me to wince in pain and pushes me off the bed. Laying more in my vomit. 

My cry's and panic doesn't stop. He jumps out of bed and locks the door, keeping me trapped in this small room.

"what did I do?" -"How did I cause this to happen?" 

For the rest of the night I replay the whole night over and over in my head - tormenting myself, trying to figure out where I went wrong. Rocking myself trying to provide myself some since of comfort. 

They Said "It'll Get Better", They All LiedWhere stories live. Discover now