The little girl sat on the swing with a smile on her face. Mother stood behind her.
Her arms hung loose at her sides. She wore a greyish blue dress. Her long brown hair was pinned in a low bun. She watched her daughter swing without showing any emotion. Like she was observing the child. Her behaviour was a little strange, but she looked lovely though.
I was watching the scene with a modest smile plastered on my face from a bench on the other side of a road. The park was quiet and peaceful that day, apart from the cars racing through the street in front of me. It had been a rainy morning, but the clouds had passed and the sun was shining once again. The way the rays tried to break through the leaves above us was majestic. My dog, a young German shepherd named Rex, sat next to me on the ground. I noticed Rex was also watching the two ladies across the road and joked 'Rex, don't stare. That's rude.'
I turned my attention back to the newspaper I was reading. The front page talked about the bad weather forecasted for that day. It was October 3rd, autumn. Furthermore, there was an article about missing girls. A few had been found dead, a couple more were still missing. They're talking about a serial killer. 'At least this precious girl is safe with her mother' I mumbled while giving another glance at the two ladies across the street.
I looked at my watch: 12:47. Time to go. I stood up and started walking away, but Rex refused to follow. He had stood up as well, but he was still staring at the two across the street. Not understanding what was so interesting about these ladies, I looked over at them and saw mother take a step towards the little girl. I thought she was going to give her a push to make her go faster on the swing. Instead, she grabbed the girl who started to scream the moment mother touched her.
Rex suddenly started to aggressively pull on the leash while barking and growling. My vision was cut off by a bunch of cars crossing the street. Water spat up from the pools that filled the holes in the road. The girl's screams were drowned by the noise of the cars and Rex's barking. I took my eyes off of the swing to get the young shepherd under control.
Once I calmed Rex down and the cars had passed, I looked back at the scene but the little girl was gone. Only mother stood there. Her arms hung loose at her sides. She was observing again. Though this time she was observing me. There was blood on her hands and her lips, but she didn't seem to care. I could feel her dark, brown eyes burning into my soul.
My sight was blocked again by a car. Water spat up. Rex gave a nervous squeal. I did effort to keep my eyes on the woman in the greyish blue dress, but when a few seconds later the cars were gone, so were both mother and child.
< 13:19 >
'Sir, I'm sorry, but the description you just made of the woman is too... What's the word... general. This could be literally anyone.' An officer named Miller said. I was at the local police station. The scene at the park had been a little too peculiar.
'Are you sure you saw this woman killing a child?' The other policeman, officer Williams, asked.
'Well, no, not exactly... But...'
'Well then! Maybe the girl just ran away!' Officer Miller said, throwing his hands in the air.
'But what about the staring and the blood on her hands?' I demanded.
'Sir, you said you have been watching her for a while. Maybe she got suspicious and started to observe you to see if you formed any danger. I mean, every mother in this town is very protective over their girls nowadays with this serial killer walking around.' Officer Williams reasoned.
'And what about the blood?' I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
'Maybe the blood was jelly or ketchup or something? You said it was on her mouth, too.' Officer Miller stated.