Chapter 9 - New Paths

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Author's note:
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I still have school and homework but will try and post at least 5 days a week.

Beca's POV

I posted the first video a couple weeks ago and since then I've uploaded another one, Skyscraper by Demi Lovato figured it would fit with the current circumstances. When I wasn't practicing guitar I was working on my mixes. I still had that one I'd produced for Piplo before going to the USO tour. He'd ended up realising it without any edits and it flopped. So I figured I may as well release what I already had. I actually ended up realising it a couple days after my cover of Cool Kids, it had surprisingly, a lot of views and a load of comments. They were split between love and hate, there were only a few hate and Emily had defended me which I found sweet. Before I knew what was really happening it was on trending along with some of the Bella's performances, my first championship and the world's performance. This was moving incredibly quickly. Theo had even told me that a couple people wanted to book some interviews with me but I'd told him to wait a couple months, I wanted to write something original first.

I was becoming pretty popular and more of my covers were becoming popular I needed to start focusing on original songs. I was trying to think of inspiration where I remembered what I was doing this for. I was doing this for them and I promised myself I would try and get back to that red head so I would, no matter how terrified I was. It's not like I'd ever forget her anyway, she wouldn't stop texting me. It took everything I had not to text back but I'd been strong. I'm just glad I'd turned the read recipes off so I could still read her texts.

Chloe's POV

I spent so many nights hunched in the corner but she never came back. I wasted weekends in that music store and she never once came back. After a couple weeks I kind of just gave up, she wasn't coming back. I walked up to Jesse at the front desk and he gave me an apologetic look,
"It's okay Jesse it's not your fault." He had been really kind to me recently. I was just about to leave for the last time when he called me back,
"Chloe, why don't you do a reply song to her and post it on YouTube? You'd be recognised from the Bella performances." He had a good point, a really good point. "I know a couple songs on guitar and I can play it for you."
"Do you know I'm into you and Titanium?"
"No but I can learn them in two weeks."
"Well I'll see you in two weeks." I gave him a hug and walked home to get some sleep before class tomorrow.

Beca's POV

It had been a while since I'd been to Jesse's music shop. He'd been in contact with Chloe, I knew because of the texts she sent me so I was planning on avoiding that place but I really needed a guitar pick and a capo and he gave me discounts so I decided to risk going back there. I would've gone when Chloe had class but I had no idea when that was. She'd texted me on Sunday saying she wasn't gonna wait for me there anymore but I still wasn't sure, now it was Thursday and I really needed that pick and capo.

It had taken me a half hour to get there walking but my car had recently broken down, whatcha gonna do? I remember for once that it's a push door and walked straight towards the counter calling out for Jesse on my way there. I caught Jesse's eye and saw he was in the phone so kept my mouth shut and waited for him to finish. When he still wasn't done after a couple minutes I started looking round the store to just find the stuff myself. I don't think he realised but his voice was getting louder and I could hear what he was saying,
"Chloe seriously she's here come quick." After that he got slightly quieter and all I could hear was mumbles. He was talking to Chloe, flip I needed to get out of here. I'd just grabbed the stuff and walked up the desk to pay when he appeared again.
"How can I help you Becs?"

Jesse's POV

As soon as I heard Beca's voice I braved my phone from my pocket and headed to the back room. As soon as I was out of view I called Chloe,
"Chloe you're not going to believe this?" I was trying to be quiet since Beca was right outside.
"What is it Jess?"
"She's here right now, how fast can you get here?"
"I'll be there as soon as I can please try and stall her for me. Is she really there?"
"Okay I'll do my best just be quick. Chloe seriously she's here come quick." I accidentally raised my voice during the last sentence and I think Beca may of heard me. I think I blew it.

Chloe's POV

I need to get there as soon as possible. I was gonna get started on my homework but instead I put on some comfy shoes and grabbed my phone and busted my butt to that store.

Narrator's POV

Jesse kept his promise and tried his best to keep his ex at the store but he was running out of small talk and she wasn't exactly helping him. In the end he couldn't keep her talking anymore so he gave her the change for her purchase and she left. Not even 2 minutes later an out of breath ginger burst through the door actually being able to open it this time. She looked disappointed, where was Beca?
"Jesse where did she go?" She was flustered and confused and had to keep pausing for breaths.
"She literally just left. Go outside turn right and then left at the end of the block. The car park is on the left and if she isn't there keep going straight. Please catch her Chloe."

Author's Note:
This isn't as long as I'd like but here's a chapter guys.

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