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Mr.William's p.o.v

I can't believe I just did that..I'm a fucking asshole...I quickly got in my car and sped home only to see Ariana on her porch in tears. This broke me deep down inside.,I sighed and stepped out of my car not eveing caring if I locked it or not while I pranced up to Ari's porch."Ariana I'm really sorry please let me make it up to you please?" I begged. "Ni- Mr.William's I don't think that's very appropriate." She said making my heart clench."Ariana please just come over let me make you dinner." She looked at me with her head cocked to the side as if she was debating herself and finally she answered "Okay."

Okay come over at eight tell your mom that you're going to friend's house or something.
I'm really going to make this up to you." I stated pushing the hair out of her face and behind her ear. She blushed at this and nodded. "I'm going to go inside and freshen up see you at eight." She said almost in a whisper. I smiled as I watched her slowly swing her hips side to side and walk inside. I slowly began walking back to my house biting my lip picturing her sweet ass.,Tonight was

going to be AMAZING.

Ariana's p.o.v

"Mom I'm going a friends I'll be back later." I stated. "Make sure to call and text love you!" She yelled from the kitchen. I smiled and quickly ran over to Mr.William's and knocked on the door. "You look amazing." he breathed as he opened the door. "Thanks." I said gushing. "Come in." He said standing to the side holding the door open.

I smiled and stepped in and was instantly hit with the warm scent of pasta. "Wow it smells delicious!" I exclaimed following the scent. "Wow this is so beautiful Mr.Williams you shouldn't have." said staring at the beautiful sceneary set up. "Please call me Nick and it was nothing." He said honestly. "Nick this is more than nothing you're so sweet." I stated. This made him smile and he quickly walked up to the table and slid out a chair "Please sit." He commanded. I smiled and sat as he pushed me in and quickly skipped over to his side and sat
down. "I hope you enjoy it." he said adding a wink. I smiled and laughed as i dug in. "Wow Nick this is truly scrumptious!" I exclaimed. "Scrumptious?" He asked giggling. I gulped and nodded taking a sip of my drink "Scrumptious." I stated again finishing up my plate of pasta. "Did you even taste it?" He questioned gigling as he also finished up. "Of course and might I add you're an amazing cook." I state."you might." He said adding with a wink. I quickly pushed my chair out and stood up as did Nick.

"So did this makeup for the kiss?" He questions being serious. "I don't know did it?" I questioned back . "Hm you tell me." He says as he got dangerously close to me. "I i i." I stutter. "Shh." He

whispers as his lips get closer and closer soon clashing with mine shooting off fireworks left to right. This kiss wasn't like earlier's kiss.,This kiss was filled with lust and passion. I quickly pulled away to breath as did Nick. After I caught my breath and slammed my lips back into his hungrily wanting more. "mm." he moaned as I slowly began lifting my hands up his shirt feeling his toned muscles. He slowly layed me down on the couch and climbed on top of me taking off his shirt never once breaking the kiss. I smiled as his tougne explored every inch of my mouth and i explored almost every inch of his body with his hands. I moaned as I felt his little buddy poking in my no no square he groaned and
quickly threw my shirt off and un clasped my bra. I gasped and covered up my chest as he gave me a confused look. "I'm insecure." I stated being honest. "Don't be you're beautiful." He whispered as he removed my arms and began kissing from my boob up to my neck. I threw my head back in pleasure
moaning left to right and I quickly pulled his pants down as he did mine and now all we were in is our underwear." I want you." He said huskily in my ear. I smiled and bit my lip as he slowly went down and pulled my underwear off with his teeth and I slowly removed his with my feet. Now all he had left was to stick it in. "Say you want me." He said huskily in my ear while kissing my neck. "I i i want." I started but never finished. "I want you!" I screamed as he started sucking on my neck. "Good girl." he whispered as he quickly stuck it in. "Ow." I gasp as he slowly goes in and out.

"Tell me when it hurts too bad i'll stop." He says still going in out. The pain quickly fades away and now the pleasure has kicked in. "Faster." I moan. He smirks at this and begins going turbo. "Nick I I I'M GOING TO CUM!" I scream out grinding my hips with his. "ME TWO!" He exclaims as we both climax at the same time and he falls onto me. "You were amazing." He grunts panting. "So were you." I state. "listen tonight was really fun and I enjoyed it but i have to go my moms probably worried sick about me" I add sighing as I began getting dressed. "Goodbye beautiful." He says as he kisses my forehead and leads me out. Tonight was perfect.

That hot sweaty day....(Gym teacher love story) (Undergoing MAJOR editing)Where stories live. Discover now