Chapter 13

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Yuki's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I came to a  realization I was not in my room. I looked around the spacious room and found Akihiko-san staring out the window with a cigarette in his mouth.

He turned around as if he sensed my awakening and walked towards me. " It seems your awake, how are your wounds? " He said as he rested his hand on my forehead. I let out a small "Mmf " at the sudden touch of his cold yet slender hands.

" W-What happened Akihiko-san ? " I asked with curiosity.

" Men tried to take you away, but I didn't let them. Now tell me Yuki, where did you come from and why exactly are those men after you ? " Akihiko said sternly . My body froze as I remembered my sorrowful past.

" They are apart of the elites, some of the most powerful magic users in the world. Their h-headquarters are in a facility that doesn't have a s-specific location. " I clenched my fists at the thought of the facility.
Akihiko held my hand, then nodded his head as a signal for me to continue.

" I don't know h-how I got there, however, all my memories originate from the facility so I believe I was created in that place . Im different from past experiments, I hold much more power. That's why I'm the only one that made it past the-the tests. " A warm fluid began to come from my eyes. Thoughts of communicating with other experiments, the pain, torture, deaths.... it all resonated in my head.

" That's enough Yuki, no more. Don't think anymore, Im here now , nobody will come near you. You won't have to ever endure such gruel some behaviour. " Akihiko held me in his arms, I could hear his heart beat. My bandaged arms wrapped around his muscular body. Akihiko-san softly kissed my tear stained cheek, letting me rest a little more in his chest.
Sleep began to engulf me once more, I was at my limit. Akihiko noticed and laid me down on the king sized bed.

Akihiko POV

I covered Yuki with blankets, sweeping his hair away from his eyes and behind his ear. ' he will need a haircut soon ' . I thought to myself. As I was about to leave the room, Yuki clasped my shirt and muttered           "D-Dont go..." whilst being half asleep. " My, my it seems this has become a habit of yours. " I fitted myself beside Yuki on the bed and watched him go into a deep sleep. He rested in my chest and laid his head on top of my arm , while gripping onto my dress shirt . ' Just like a baby being cradled by his mother ' I whispered to myself.

~~The next morning ~~

Yuki's POV

I woke to find myself being held by Akihiko-san in bed. The sun's rays had  shone through the curtains and left behind a golden colour to the room.

His face was even handsome while he was sleeping. The sun complimented his raven coloured hair, long eyelashes, perfect skin, and symmetrically sculpted face. I unconsciously reached out towards Akihiko-san's face before being startled from his voice.

" Good morning Yuki, how are you feeling ? " He said in a deep voice.

My cheeks heated up and I nodded my head in response,  remembering the events that took place yesterday. He kissed my forehead, then smirked.

" Good, now let's go have some break fast, you must be hungry after all. "

We walked hand in hand down his mansion hall ways. I noticed some of his house maids watching me in envy.

Next Akihiko-san lead me into the dining room to a table filled with an assortment of food.

" Go on and eat up. " He said as he took a sip from his tea.

I reached out to my plate but dropped the fork as the pain in my arm began to sink in.

" Come here Yuki. " Akihiko patted his lap. I walked towards him, and he picked me up then set me down on top of his lap.

" Say ahhh, " Akihiko continued.

I hesitated, " A-Ahh.... " he fed me some of the food in front of us.

" Good boy. " Akihiko said patting my head.

After we were done with breakfast and washing up, Akihiko had to finish up with some work in his office.

I was currently sitting in my room waiting for him to finish up so we can carry on with the day together.

I decided to walk around the mansion. After a while I stumbled upon the entrance to the flower garden. I opened the doors, and stood mesmerized from the overwhelming beauty of the setting. The floor resembled a galaxy, with the blanket of colours blowing with the wind.

I walked and walked to find new discoveries everywhere I went. From large blush pink Sakura trees to small golden lilies. 

Akihikos POV

I glanced out my window to come across Yuki who was outside in the garden. I watched him play with a butterfly ' how cute ' .

' Better finish up my work quickly and join him. Geez,  oh what he's turned me into. ' I thought as I continued working taking breaks once in a while to watch Yuki.

--- Time skip ---

Yuki's POV

I sat under one of the Sakura trees, with my knees to my chest adoring the scenery. Until I heard a small chirping. I walked towards the source and found an injured bird.

" You're wings broken. " I said to it.

I held the bird in my hands, not knowing what to do.

" You're right, it seems it's wing is broken. " I moved my head in one motion towards the voice, not sensing the presence earlier.


~~~A/N Heyoooo my lovelies it's me again, hehe. *Rubs back of head nervously * I know , I know don't be mad !! I haven't updated in a while, and it's totally worth being upset over, but I'm here now! Leave a comment down below on your thoughts of this chapter, anything you want to let out ( whether your ranting about me being missing for a while or just saying hello .), any messages you want to tell me, and so on. Please don't hesitate !!~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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