Chapter IV - A Bactrian Wedding

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The wind was howling on top of the Sogdian rocks. To Roxana, it felt like the last time she would truly be at home at the heart of these mountains of Bactria. Shortly after her little encounter in the empty throne hall with Alexander, her father had told her about the marriage. Not refusing what her father had proposed, Roxana had only decided to make the best of her situation.

Now she stood under the arch, trying to show any emotion on her face. Her hair was braided into several thin strands with little ornaments hanging from them, and a veil covered her head and mouth for the sake of modesty.

Roxana glanced at Alexander to her left, who stood wearing his armour, sword in his hand. Even to a wedding, he had worn his armour.

"It is time." The priest said. Alexander drew his sword from his scabbard slowly. Then with a boyish smile and charismatic energy, he brought it down the loaf of bread that was laid out on the table before them, earning cheers from the people.

A servant passed one half of the bread to Roxana, and the other half to Alexander, the new king of Bactria. They solemnly took the bread. Roxana nibbled at it slowly. No one spoke a word at this moment, but when they had each finished taking a bite, Roxana and Alexander were sprinkled by flower petals. The wedding feast had begun.

Wine was passed around under the gold trimmings that extended above their heads. Many tables and colourful cushions had been laid out, and Roxana and Alexander sat at one of them, at the head, with Alexander's generals at the sides.

"To the King of Babylon, King of Asia, and the King of the Four Quarters of the Earth!" A man cried, raising his goblet of wine. The others imitated him.

"To the King of Babylon, King of Asia, and the King of the Four Quarters of the Earth!" They chanted, raising their cups and drinking from them. Both the Macedonians and the Sogdians participated. The Bactrians were enthralled that Alexander had not come to oppress them, but to let Oxyartes, one of their own kind rule as satrap of the region.

"Roxana." Roxana perked up, looking at Alexander who had spoken to her.

"I would like to introduce you to my generals." She nodded.

"This is Perdiccas," He said, pointing to the man who had raised his glass in the toast. He smiled at her, and Roxanne gave a small smile back.

"This is Lysimachus." Said Alexander, who gave her a bow of the head in acknowledgement.

"Here is Hephaestion," Roxana did not miss the way the commander's expression warmed as he introduced her to the particular general. Yet the general only looked at her with cold...distaste.

"Selecuos," Roxana turned to a man whose square, jutting jaw looked like it could cut ice.

"Beside him is Polyperchon," Alexander continued. Polyperchon, who looked quite old, as old, seemed by far the nicest. He smiled at her graciously and with warmth. Almost like a father.

"I hear you captured Alexander at first sight with your lovely dance." Polyperchon said, with a wink. Roxana blushed.

"Every dancer performs according to who is watching them. That night at the banquet, I was able to do my best because of the beholder," She replied.

"She is quite taken by you, Alexander. I hope you are anticipating tonight as much as I am." Laughed Perdiccas, smacking him on the back. The others hooted and whistled.

"No, I am not. I was merely saying I did my best that night because I was dancing in front of a great commander," Roxana explained. The generals grew silent for a moment. Then Alexander leaned in and whispered against her ear,

"Careful what you say now. You may come to regret it tonight." Roxana grew hot, and took a gulp of her wine. The audacity of that bastard! She knew what was coming for her later. Her growing trepidation as dusk settled over the land was testimony to that.

Afterwards, an entire procession walked down the mountains. Roxana was made to enter the residence where Alexander and Roxana could be alone.

Roxana was relieved to be inside the warmly lit room after being outside in the cold all day. After being bathed by one of the maids, she was given a red coat to wear, lined with fur.

Trailing all the way from top to town were intricate designs of swirls and gold. Her hair was brushed and only the top portion of her hair was gathered into a braid. The rest was left loose, and the maids exited the room. Now she had to wait, and it felt like a minute and an hour all at the same time.

Roxana gave a little jump as the door opened. Alexander, still dressed in his armour, stood at the doorway. He gazed at her for a while, as if assessing her and formulating his next actions according to that. Suddenly he advanced quickly towards her, and she began to step back. Throwing her over his shoulder he dropped her on the four-poster bed, earning her shocked gasp.

When she recovered, she began to kick at him and fight him with all her might. She would not be won this easily, she, who was a Bactrian and had the pride of a mountain lion. Roxana smacked him in the face, startling both of them, and rolled out of the way. She jumped off the bed and steered as far from it as possible.

"Come here." He said.

No. She would not come.

"I said come." He said again. Roxana stayed rooted to the floor. There was a painfully long stretch of silence. Roxana stared at the intricately designed carpet. She looked at the walls of the room where the candles cast long shadows. She did not know what to do now. Her father had told her that this was her fate, her duty...

Her thoughts were broken when his voice rang throughout the room. "I will not hurt you. Your bold attitude has intrigued me, from the day I first saw you at the banquet up until this moment. Your eyes are fierce. It tells me that you will not let anyone take away your defiant spirit, something that I have not seen in any woman before." He started to advance softly towards her, his gaze trained on her in a hypnotizing manner. With the next thing he said, his voice grew soft.

"But underneath all of that, I see a girl who is starving. You do not want possessions, power, or lavish banquets to drown in. Perhaps it is because you are already entitled to these things. But I can see that you do have something you desire more than anything else. It is a hunger, that you keep locked away in the crevice of your heart." Roxana could not breathe as he traced his finger down her collarbone. Her eyes widened, not having noticed that he was coming.

"What is it that you want, Roxana?" Alexander asked. He snaked his arm around her waist and tugged her close. Roxana realized then what was happening and tried to break free, but it only made him hold her tighter. She continued struggling, to which he narrowed his gaze. His eyes grew icy as he looked at her, and gulping, she let him lead her to the bed.

"If only you would come to me. Let me love you." Alexander whispered, gently lowering her onto the plush cushions. Before she could escape he came up to her. She felt so small beneath him. But with sudden vigour, she pushed him back by his chest. He didn't budge, but it was enough to catch his attention, giving her the chance to hoist herself up.

"What about you?" She asked.

"What about me?" The commander murmured.

"What is the desire of your heart?"

"You." He said.

"No, don't flatter me," Roxana said. Alexander chuckled. "Tell me, are you after conquering the entire world?" She asked.

"I have conquered Persia, and I have already tasted the glory I sought after since my childhood," Alexander replied, "but as I have said, I desire you. You remind me of the vast world and its many cultures. It pleases me to win your affection as well as the people I conquer." Then he yanked her back down roughly, captured her arms above her head and claimed her lips before she could protest.

This time, Roxana closed her eyes.

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