The Worst Everything

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Danny was stuck at volleyball practice and didn't have a ride home. Everyone was gone, either off of the property or nowhere to be found. She tried her usual ride, her brother, was nowhere. Her back-up ride, Cassie, was stuck working another unplanned shift at the local diner. Cassie plead with Danny to let her boyfriend, Todd, to drive her home. After twenty minutes of arguing on the phone, Danny denied the ride and started to walk home after her phone battery died from exhaustion.

She walked on the side of the long dirt road in the muggy heat with sore, exhausted legs, with barely any water to last her until she made it home. Heat dragging over her as a weight against her, she walked slower than normal. Her backpack and duffle bag sagged heavily against her as she serpentine on the road. Praying for a miracle, or her parents and brother to pick up their phones, she regrets telling Cassie "no" about the ride.

A loud squeal echoed from miles away as Danny continued to walk. She turned to see Todd's Pontiac swerve from the hot concrete road onto the dirt road. The heat made Danny feel delusional, but she knew it was too good to be true. The blue Pontiac sped closer to Danny as she continued to shuffle her way home, instantly feeling agitated by the thought of Todd. The hum of the engine continued to grow as Todd grew closer to her. She prayed for him to forget about her or even put her out of her misery and run her over. The car swerved around her and came to a violent stop as head-banging music exploded from the car. Todd must have had the volume turned all the way up or he broke the dial.

Todd stepped out wearing a faded Led Zeppelin t-shirt scattered in holes from various fights, and blue and black plaid pajama pants. His hair was messy and greasy, which matched his personality that could be spotted a mile or two away. The beard was scrappy and rough all around, he never was a fan of grooming. He placed the lit cigarette in between his dry lips and sucked as Danny stopped to rest her legs.

"Get in the car." Todd demanded, blowing smoke.

"I'd rather die." Danny retorted, wiping her hands against her shorts.

"I'm not saying it again."

"Go to hell, fuckface."

Danny rolled her eyes and walked on the opposite side of Todd. His long arm reached out and caught the back of her arm and pulled her to his chest. The hazel in his eyes were faded as crimson drew lightning strikes around his pupils. His nostrils flared as he tried not to get angry too quickly.

"You better be glad that Cassie cares about your ass." Todd retorted, spitting next to Danny.

"I'm glad she does, but she's like you. You both don't listen and you smell like shit." Danny spat, getting out of his abusive grip.

"Get in." He huffed.

Danny walked past him and didn't look back. Her thoughts were running around panicking at his grip and his aggressive motions. He took long strides and met up to her in three steps, throwing her over his shoulder and literally throwing her into the car.

"Let me out!" She retorted, holding her injured head that slammed against the dashboard.

"No." Todd sped off, causing them to shift quickly without their seatbelts across them for protection.

Danny's head was pounding as she held back her tears. Where was her brother? Painful throbs flashed against her frontal lobe as she felt the car swerve and turn, ignoring every driving law and secure thought. Dirty magazines, old bags of chips and beef jerky bags lied in their graves on the floor with cigarette butts and small bags with green residue. Lighters and receipts were sprinkled over the back seats. She was surprised he didn't have a dead body in the trunk. Better yet, she was praying there wasn't a body in the trunk. Her head was throbbing faster than her heartbeat as she anticipated the moment she could get out of the death mobile. The loud music didn't help her headache at all. She prayed that he didn't handle Cassie this way.

Bracing for her life, he had drove to her house. Her parents' cars and her brother's car were in the driveway. Anger filled her veins as Todd pulled up to the curb, parking diagonally on the grass and street. He was inches away from knocking over the mailbox.

"Get out." Todd barked.

She turned slowly to look at him, wanting to knock him out cold right in his seat. She rolled her eyes and huffed.

"One, don't ever do that again. Two, don't come to my house ever. Three, leave me alone and fuck you." Danny retorted, stepping out the car before slamming the door as hard as she could.

He drove off, causing tire marks to bleed into the grass and concrete. She took a deep breath after she realized that he could've hit her with his car. Her parents and brother almost ran out of the house to Danny as if on cue. She stood in the street watching Todd roll through a stop sign, almost hitting her neighbor's car that was making its way down the street. She looked ahead of her and saw her frantic family.

"Why isn't your phone on?" Her mom stated, placing her hands on her hips.

"Why didn't you get a ride from a friend?" Her dad insisted. "You know how we feel about Todd and his demonic behavior."

"I told you to stay away from him, Danny." Her brother bossed.

"Well, if you kept your phones on you at all times, you would've known that I needed a ride. Since you guys obviously don't give a fuck about my schedule, Todd physically made me get into his car." She raised her voice, not caring if the neighbors heard her or not. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a concussion I actually worry about unlike you guys. My day was great by the way, thanks for asking." Fuck them, honestly, she thought to herself.

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