I'm Sorry

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I've probably said this to many time's
You're probably tired of hearing it

But I'm sorry

I messed up

I'm sorry

You cried

I'm sorry

You're hurt 

I'm sorry 
But it's not all my fault 

Can't she take some of the faults

I feel like everytime shes around you hide me 

Inside a door with a lock

Just to make sure I don't get out 

Just to make sure she doesn't see 

She doesn't see me

And when she speaks

I'm quite 

but when I speak 

She's yelling 

I swear 

My hearts swelling with anger 

She treats me like trash, 

But you still love her 

I still love her 


I'm sorry 

I messed up 

I'm sorry 

I spoke up

I'm sorry 
This is the third time I let my emotions 

Get the best of me 

But dang, 

Are you testing me 

Telling me
You love 

Well I love you 

But, what you feel

How do you know its true?

I'm sorry 

I'm asking so many questions 

But I have so many questions

Yet, it seems like 

You have no answers
If I told you I was falling apart 
You'd try to put me back together

If I told you I was fine 

You'd try to crawl over and climb into my mind 

And my heart,

It needs a kickstart
It's going through a change

A change that my mind doesn't agree with

And my heart

Is trying to tell me who to be with 

But my mind,

My mind feels feelings too 

That might sound crazy

But its true 

It sees me 

Then It sees you 

It summons me up 

Then throws out all the things that could go wrong 


Next time I'll keep my mouth shut 

Next time,

I'll let her talk and I won't speak up 

Next time 

I'll think before I say, If I say anything at all 

Next time 

I'll let her make a mistake, I'll let her fall 
Next time...

Next time I won't be sorry

I'm sorry Jay

I'm sorry friend

I made a mistake 

And this is my way of apologizing

I guess its better than nothing
And way better than letting it go, or disguising 

How I feel for those three words 
That is supposed to say how I feel  

...I'm Sorry 

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