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AN: It's the anniversary of Laurels death and Sara is not taking it well


It's in the early morning when Sara awakes. Tears streaming down her face and Laurels name coming from her mouth. She sits up sharply and closes her eyes. She breathes heavily and pulls her knees to her chest. She thinks about all the memories her and her sister had. The good ones and the bad. She's lost in her head when she feels the waverider shake, bringing her back to reality.

She wipes her face and gets off her bed and heads to the bridge. "Gideon" Sara calls out to the AI. "A level 9 anachronism has presented itself in Star City 2016" the AI replies. Sara's face pales at the location of the anachronism but covers it up when the team gathers.

"Where are we heading to Captain?" Ray asks, already sitting down and strapping himself in. "Gideon, plot a course to Star City 2016" she commands the AI. "Back to where it all started Ray" Sara says and takes her seat at the head of the ship.

The legends time jump into 2016 and land in a big field. Sara cloaks the ship and stands up. "Gideon what exactly is the anachronism in star City?" She asks leaning against the console in the middle of the waverider. "Captain..I'm not sure how I should tell you this." The AI trails off. Sara, curious and slightly annoyed, "Gideon what is the anachronism?" She asks again with an air of finality.

"The anachronism is.. oh how do I put this.. your sister is alive." The AI says and all color drains from Sara's face. "Since she is alive, Damien Darkh does not die when or how he was supposed to, and Star City, well, is not Star City anymore, and the rest of the world and time, will soon follow." Sara barely listens before she bolts off the waverider and sprints to her sisters apartment. "Sara!!" Ray, Amaya, and Nate yell after her but she's already gone.

Zari hesitantly speaks up, "so we have to make sure Sara's sister dies?" Everyone slowly nods. "This is some fucked up shit" she says breathlessly. They all share a look of sorrow and set off to make a plan and find out if there's any loopholes to save Laurel.

*Back with Sara*
Sara ran. She ran and ran until she got to Laurels apartment. She hurts through the door and the sight before her takes her breath away. There before her, alive and well, is her sister. "Laurel" she whispers. Laurel stands up smiling and goes over to Sara and hugs her tightly, "Sara I didn't know you were back," she says happily. Sara slowly wraps her arms around Laurel and hugs her tight. She squeezes her eyes shut and just relishes the contact she had missed so much, that she never thought she'd have again. Laurel pull back and looks at Sara with concern once she sees her tears.

"Hey," she says softly wiping Sara's face, "what's wrong?" Sara just looks at Laurel and shakes her head and takes a deep breath. "N-nothing," she smiles a watery smile, "I just missed you so much" she says and pulls Laurel back in for another bone crushing hug. Laurel smile and rubs her baby sisters back. "I missed you too Sara." Sara gasped happily at hearing her sisters voice. Sara pulls back and wipes her tears and smiles at Laurel.

"So, how are you?" Sara asked not really knowing what to say to her sister that was supposed to be dead. Laurel smiles and pulls them onto her couch. "I'm good" she says happily "Day job is going great, night job is, well, it's exhausting but worth it" she says winking. Sara wanted to tell her no it wasn't. Laurels phone ringing stops her from doing so. She smiles sympathetically at Sara, "sorry." She stands up and answers her phone.

Sara just smiles softly and listens to her sisters voice. God how much she's missed hearing it. Laurel sigh and plopping down on the couch brought Sara out of her reverie. "Ugh I'm so sorry but that was the office, we caught a case and I have to go in. Dinner tonight?" She says hopefully, she's truly missed her baby sister. Sara smiles at her sister and nods. "Yeah, is like that" Laurel smiles and kisses Sara's cheek. "Great I'll see you later." Laurel grabs her jacket, keys, and briefcase and leaves the apartment, "Bye Sar!" She calls. "Bye Laur" Sara says. But once the door closes Sara breaks down again.

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