Sherlock some friends and a cosplayer or two

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So this dream is a strange one.

I was for some reason with Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch, the only one i really know) and we were at my middle school and we met some of my friends. Push come to shove we end up in a strange town. So i found this tower and there were these guys with Masky for some reason and he was locked up in a cell. And a holding cell was surrounding the cell and there was five keys and then i put two and two together as five guys five keys. Then Sherlock appeared and started saying or singing a rhyme about slenderman. So i left as Masky and Hoodie left out the window. And i started walking in the opposite direction of the tower thing and i passed by two cos players and they were cos playing Cry and PewDiePie so i said "Hi Cry. Hi Pewdie." and Pewdie mumbled something to Cry. So i kept walking and saw a little Martha Jones and my cousin Tyler (as the tenth doctor) and 'Martha' said "Hi Donna." To me and i replied "Hi" then Tyler came up and started talking to 'Martha' about me and something about Donna. So i kept walking and i ran in to Billy Ray Cyrus. And my dream ended.

So yeah.

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