•~• CHAPTER 39•~•

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Sooooooooo sorry I missed last week's update :((
I had an incredibly awful week and everything I wrote was really dark and gloomy and I know you guys don't deserve more of that so I had literally nothing to publish when Friday rolled around :\

As an apology though, I've written a longer chapter, Faith and Carver lovin included ;)

I hope you all forgive me :(

Enjoy! Let me know what you think :)


Sage's POV

"Sage please. We have to go," Mason begs, his voice pained.

I had been home for 3 days and things were slowly getting better for me. I could now eat more than a few bites now without throwing up. And I was able to make it a full hour without waking up screaming last night. I didn't flinch as much when Mason put his hand on my back as he walked me to breakfast this morning.

Little improvements.

After the shock wore off post waking up in the hospital though, I've been having lots of anxiety and ptsd episodes but the doctors are confident I can move past them with proper care and time.

"I-I can't hear it if it's not good news Mason. I'm not strong enough to survive that right now..." I tell him honestly. He's been very passive with me since we got back: treading carefully with his actions, giving me space, using cautious words. But he won't let this one go. Not today.

"Sage, it's can't be. I can still smell him. It was faint. Really faint when we first got you back but it's growing as you get stronger. He's in there Sage....He has to be..." His voice breaks with his last words. I know how difficult this is for him. I know how much it hurts.

I want to believe that my pup is still alive more than anyone but it's just not plausible... there was so much trauma on my stomach despite how much more I took elsewhere to deflect it. There was blood and the most sickening feeling I've ever felt. I know I lost my pup. I just know it in the way my heart feels crushed every time I think about it.

"He...or she... couldn't have possibly survived what I did, Mason," I whisper softly after the silence begins to suffocate me. My eyes start to drop from his but not before I catch the burning fury in them. He stands up quickly from the bed and throws a punch through the drywall next to him. My eyes stay downcast to my hands but I still flinch when I hear glass shatter. More items crash down to the floor as he tries to release his anger. I know Conner's father paid dearly every time Mason's anger boiled over like this, and I know he'd be heading there right now if it weren't for the fact that he was still set on persuading me to get the sonogram.

After a few more minutes go by he growls out profanities as his body involuntarily shifts to his fighting form. My eyes turn up at this. I find his wolf easier to soothe these days since all he really wants is for me to be with him and without injuries.

The giant wolf stalks over to me, his nails clicking on the hard wood floor. I sink from the bed to the floor and he walks right up to me, pushing his forehead against my own. His big hot breaths fan over my chest as I wrap my arms around his furry neck. He grumbles his displeasure at the situation but lays down at my side anyway, his head on my lap now. I softly rub behind his ears, my fingers running through his fur soothingly. His body relaxes the more I touch him, his eyes closing in relaxation.

It's not enough though. Even in his relaxed wolf form he still knows what he's fighting for. His wet nose nudges my stomach, soft whimpers escaping. He buries into my skin as his eyes look up at me sadly.

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