Chapter 4 // Hallucination

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Donny's p.o.v

I woke up groaning, my head pounding. I can't believe I let Vinny convince me into drink so much on a school night, I swear that man is the devil in disguise. I looked around at my surroundings only to find myself next to some fake blonde bimbo in one of the guest rooms. i pushed her off the bed causing a squeal to escape her. "Get out." i said. She glared at me, mumbled a string of cuss words then grabbed her stuff and left the room. I looked at my phone to see it was 6 a.m I laid back in bed deciding to skip out on today when the door flew open and in walked Vinny with a smug look on his face "alzati Don abbiamo cose da fare." (get up Don we have things to do) he said. "fottiti il ​​buco del culo" (fuck off asshole) i growled in reply. He laughed before responding "sbrigati e preparati, oggi andiamo a scuola." (hurry up and get ready we are going to school today.) I groaned as i heard him walk off. I got up and left the room, heading of to get ready for another shitty day at school. Once I was showered and dressed I headed down stairs to look for something to eat and some Tylenol for my raging headache. Vinny and Sten were sitting at the table talking about the day when i walked in. "How you feeling Don?" yelled Sten. "vaffanculo" (fuck you) i replied, before grabbing a couple pills and swallowing them. "So what was so fucken important that you had to wake me so damn early?" I growled out to Vinny. "c'è stato un problema con una delle spedizioni di cui ho bisogno e Sten chiesto di andare a controllare prima di andare a scuola." (there was a problem with one of the shipments i need you and Sten to go check it out before school.) He replied. I grabbed an apple then headed out to the car with Sten following closely behind me.


"Well that was a waste of time" said Sten while he got in the car. I shot him a look before climbing into the car and heading to school. I was annoyed at the day and couldn't wait to get high, lord knows i need a blunt or two after my morning. I still couldn't believe that that dumbass refused to send out the shipment because he saw a fucken mouse. A MOUSE! As if the drugs weren't already filled with toxic shit, what's a few mouse droppings gunna do? I groaned again hating the idea of school. I parked the car and got out, we were already late so i decided to smoke a blunt before class. Sten laughed and talked to Vinny while i looked for a blunt only to realise i didn't have any "shit" i cussed. Vinny looked at me with a questioning look before i explained. "ho dimenticato la mia erba a casa" ( i forgot my weed at home.) he nodded his head before replying. "ci sono alcuni dei miei rivenditori qui, ti darò qualcosa in un po ' " (theres a few of my dealers here i will get you something in a bit) i nodded then headed to class. It was passing time when we entered the building, the crowds seems to make a path for us like always. A few girls went up to Sten to talk to him. Out of the three he is the most sociable, he's your classic trouble maker. Vinny is behind him in the sociable area, he doesn't talk unless directly talked to, if he feels the need to speak, or if he's barking out orders. Me well im the quietest, people annoy me i'd rather sit back and smoke than talk to people unless, its vinny or Sten. I Prefer to sit back and observe, Sten says i should work on my "social skills" but fuck that i'd rather work on my smoking skills. "hey stai ascoltando me?" (hey are you listening to me?) Stens voice brought me out of my daze. "Hm?" i replied. "There's a party this weekend, what do you say ?" he repeated. I nodded not really caring at the moment. A movement of black hair caught my eye i looked to see a semi-tall girl her back was to me, but i continued to stare. She had long black hair, and a nice ass but as i looked closer i saw a familiar green cactus that was placed at the back of her sweatshirt her backpack covered the left side since she had it slung on her left arm. I felt my body freeze when i saw the familiar letters on the bottom right corner. D.D.L. Just as she was walking into class she turned around and locked eyes with me, i stared at those brown eyes they looked so familiar yet so foreign at the same time. I quickly scanned the rest of her body looking for any signs that it wasn't her but as i looked back up to her eyes they gave it all away. Before i could say anything she turned around and went into class. I felt my knees go weak as the truth hit me, she was ALIVE and here. But how? She was dead, i went to her funeral i saw the body or at least what was left of her. I cried for her, spent so many years yet here she was alive and looking better then i had ever seen her. I felt a hand on my shoulder and i turned to see who it was, my mind still trying to process everything."you okay Donny? You look like you just saw a ghost" i heard Vinny's muffled voice ask. His face came into view and concern was etched into his face. "That's because i just did" i replied in a whisper.

*hey guys! Let me know what you think;)*

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