Hey Jeanette

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This story takes place after the gang get back from the international music awards, and Dave has, once again, yelled Alvin's name because Alvin has, once again, done something to get into trouble. "AAAAAAALLLLLVIIIIIIIIIIINNNNN!!!!!!!!" Dave yelled furiously. "What did I do this time?" Asked Alvin. "I just got a call from one of your teachers, she said you're failing" Dave told him. "You've never yelled my name for that before" Alvin said. "Yeah, but you've never been failing this close to the end of the year before" Dave said. "Look, Dave, I'll get my grades up, I always do" Alvin said. "That's not the point Alvin, you shouldn't be failing in the first place, if it wasn't so often, I wouldn't be making such a big deal about it, but I get calls from the school way to often" Dave said lecturing Alvin. "Look, Dave, I really am trying to keep my grades up, but I just get distracted by..... Well, everything" Explained Alvin. "Well, let's try to eliminate some of these distractions, what's the biggest distraction you have?" Asked Dave. It did not take long for Alvin to know what was distracting him, but he wasn't so sure he wanted to tell anyone yet. "L-look, Dave, I'll figure this out on my own time, may I go back to watching T.V.?" Alvin asked. "Only if you don't have any homework" Dave said. "I don't" Alvin said. "Then it's fine" Dave said.

As Alvin was watching T.V. He heard the phone ring and got up to answer but he heard Dave answer it so he sat back down. Then Dave called all three of the munks into the Dining room. As Alvin jumped onto the dining room table he saw Simon and Theodore were already there. "Alright, now that you are all here I have some good news" Dave said. "What is it ?" Simon asked. "Yeah Dave, spit it out already" I said. "Well since you all are so eager to know, the Chipettes are coming home" Dave told us. Alvin's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "R-really?" Alvin asked. "Yeah, what's wrong Alvin?" Asked Dave. "Oh, N-nothing, just didn't expect them to come home so soon" Alvin said. Later that day alvin was in a treehouse, that was built for the chipmunks to use whenever they wanted some time to themselves, utterly confused and dumbfounded. He could understand why the only thing that was on his mind, was Jeanette.

For months now, the only thing he could focus on was Jeanette. She was what was distracting him all the time, she was the reason he couldn't focus on his school work, and she was the reason that he had actually had a hard time writing a new song for their charity concert coming in two weeks. Dave had said that the girls would be here tomorrow, and the only thing Alvin could think about was what he was gonna say to her when he saw her. That's when suddenly Simon appeared at the top of the ladder leading up to the treehouse which caused Alvin to jump in surprise. "Hey Alvin, why didn't you answer me when I yelled your name?" Simon asked. " Oh, sorry bro, I didn't hear you, I was too deep in thought" Alvin told Simon. "You, deep in thought, must be something big if it got you deep in thought" Simon said with a small laugh. "Laugh all you want Simon, but this is something big, but the worst part is, I can't say anything to anyone because it's embarrassing and no one in this house can keep it a secret " Alvin said with his arms crossed in anger. "Well, I can, believe it or not." Simon said. "Yeah right, remember back when Theodore told us that he didn't want anyone knowing he slept with stuffed animals?" Alvin asked. "Well, yeah, that was a one time thing" Simon said. "No it wasn't i can name at least five more times that you've spilled a secret, like the time you told everyone about how I got scared by a butterfly, or the time that you-" "Alright, alright, alright, you've made your point Alvin" Simon said stopping Alvin from finishing his sentence.

The next day Alvin was a nervous wreck, Dave had left to pick the chipettes up from the airport. Alvin was still trying to figure out what he would say to Jeanette. "If I say the wrong thing it could ruin everything" Alvin said to himself. He paced for a bit then started listing what he could say. "I could start with a joke.... No, she'll think i'm too immature, I could start with a compliment...... No, she'll think i'm being weird, but I should definitely compliment her at some point, oh what to say, what to say" Alvin went through his options over and over but couldn't think of anything, and sure enough, he began to panic when he heard the sound of Dave pulling into the driveway. And it's a miracle he didn't pass out when he heard Dave unlocking the door. Luckily he was able to compose himself when Dave opened the door.

"Alright boys, we're here" Brittany said as she walked in. "Hey Britt" Alvin said. "Hey Alvin" Brittany said as she walked by. Elenore just walked over to Theodore, and when Jeanette walked in, Alvin was star struck, "H-hey Jeanette" Alvin said quite nervously. "Hey Alvin" Jeanette said with a smile. Alvin smiled like a doofus and Jeanette couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" Alvin asked. "Your face" Jeanette said laughing. Alvin blushed deeply and his smile went from looking like a doofus, to a nervous smile. "O-oh, ummmm, well......" Alvin went into an awkward silence. "What's wrong Alvin?" Jeanette asked. "Oh nothing, what could be wrong with me, i'm Alvin" Alvin said trying not to seem defensive. "Are you sure? You seem a little nervous." Jeanette said. "Yeah i'm sure" Alvin said. "Okay then." Jeanette said. "I'll be right back" Alvin said and ran off nervously. Jeanette just stood there looking confused, wondering where Alvin was going and when he would be back.

Alvin ran straight to the tree house and started panting heavily once inside "Oh man, i'm stupid, stupid, stupid, why did I think she could ever like me, i can't even keep myself calm for five seconds infront of her" Alvin said scolding himself. Jeanette came outside, looking for Alvin."AAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" . Alvin looked outside at her "W-What?" Alvin asked. "Come down here. Dave wants us to go eat lunch together. "Jeanette said. "Oh, well, I'll be down in a minute" Alvin said. "Hurry up." Jeanette said. "Okay one second" Alvin yelled. Alvin instantly regretted yelling at Jeannette when he saw her flinch at his yell and ran inside. "Oh man, why did I have to yell" Alvin said as he climbed down the tree.

I hope you liked this first chapter please give me opinions.

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