The setup

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Hey every one I just want to start this chapter off with a question to those who have read this, do you think I should name my chapters, because I can, I just need to know if I should, or leave it a surprise for y'all, I look forward to all y'alls input now enjoy the chapter

"Wait what!?" Dave asked shocked. "I think i'm in love with Jeanette" Alvin repeated. "And you're sure of this?" Dave asked. "Honestly Dave, yeah, I mean, she's a great girl" Alvin said. "Well, may I ask when this started?" Dave asked sitting on the side of the bed by Alvin "You may, it's started not too long after the girls left for their European tour, I had a dream about her, and when I woke up the feelings I had in the dream didn't go away, and they've only gotten stronger since then" Alvin explained. "So, your loss of appetite at dinner was because of what?" Dave asked. "Well, I was outside in the treehouse when Jeanette came out to tell me that dinner was ready, but she started rushing me and I yelled at her, I saw her flinch when I yelled, and I felt bad for yelling at her, I started the thinking that there was no way she could feel the same, so I got sad and lost my appetite" Alvin explained. "That's a bit of an assumption don't you think?" Dave said asking a rhetorical question. "I know it is Dave, but she means so much to me and j don't want her to think that I don't like her" Alvin said.

"Well, maybe you should tell her how you feel, I mean, you never know how someone feels until you try" Dave said. "But, how would I even tell her?" Alvin asked. "Well, I say, follow your heart, that's the only way it's gonna turn out right" Dave said and patted Alvin gently on the back "thanks Dave" Alvin said and hugged Dave the best he could. "No problem son" Dave said and hugged back the way he usually would. "Hey Dave if I need help setting up the way I decide to admit my feeling to Jeanette, will you help me?" Alvin asked. "Of course Alvin, all you need to do it ask" Dave said and left leaving Alvin to think. As Dave entered the living room Dave saw that everyone was looking at him. "Is he okay?" Simon asked concerned. "Yeah his mind is just occupied right now" Dave said. Everyone looked relieved and they turned their attention back to the TV show they were watching.

Later that day Alvin was laying in his bed with a smile spread on his face, he had a plan on how to tell Jeanette how he felt towards her. It was super cheesy but he knew it would work, wether or not she felt the same would have to be seen when he confessed his love for her. As he went to sleep he made sure that the plan was correct in his head. When he woke up he jumped out of bed and ran down stairs to look outside. But he was disappointed to see that it was cloudy, which meant a chance of rain, which meant he couldn't set up his plan because if it started to rain it would ruin the entire thing, so with a heavy sigh, he turned on the TV and started to watch random shows. As time went by, people would come into the room, ask him how he was, Alvin would tell him he was fine, no one pushed it, and although is didn't rain, Alvin never set it up because he couldn't guarantee that no one would see him setting it up and it would ruin the surprise. He ate more than he did yesterday, mostly because he was feeling more positive about Jeanette then before. He did the dishes by himself in order to make it even since it was his turn yesterday.

Alvin walked around the house looking for something to do but with little luck, in the end he just watched TV with Theodore. He was so bored that he actually went to bed early. He did his for two reasons though, one because he was bored and two, because he wanted to get up early to set up his surprise for Jeanette. That night laying in his bed, Alvin couldn't help but smile to him self, he couldn't think of a reason that this could go wrong. So when he woke up the next morning, he ran down stairs and was happy to see that it was only a semi cloudy day, no big fear of rain today. He got to work as fast as he could, he set up a boom box on the backyard table, set to a remote he had to play a song that would be perfect for the mood. He put up a banner that wrote "I love you Jeanette" on it where Jeanette could see it when she stepped outside. He wrote a note and set it in front of Jeanette's door, ran outside, and waited.

When Jeanette was taking longer then planed to get outside, Alvin went to see if she was up, so he went upstairs, but he saw that her door was open, he also heard voices inside. He approached the door and saw that the note was still in front of it, he picked it it up and went into Jeanette's room to see who was in there, but when he stepped in and looked around his heart shattered into a million pieces, for when he looked around, he saw Simon and Jeanette kissing.

Alright everyone give me your opinions, and don't forget to tell me if I should name my chapters or not and I would love more ideas the more the merrier alright hope you enjoyed and have a great day to you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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