Penelope stood there in front of Harry, a picture of innocence.
"Why I'm just simply ensuring a happy ending for us Harry," she gestured to Rosalie, "she is no good for you Harry. She does not know you like I do," Penelope stepped closer to him, "she does not love you like I do. She cannot make you happy like I can."
Penelope was now only inches apart from Harry as she playfully walked her fingers up the front of his chest.
"It's always been just you and I Harry, let us keep it that way," she cooed.
Harry felt his insides clench, not with want, but with fear.
He knew he didn't have much time before he would change his form, and Rosalie had not moved an inch.
"Of course, we will Penelope," he agreed, "as brother and sister."
The smile disappeared from Penelope's face at Harry's words and she frowned up at him in confusion.
"No Harry, we are meant to be together, that is how it has always been and will continue to be," she explained.
Harry suddenly clutched at his stomach, breathing through the pain that was now there.
He was in trouble.
It was all going wrong.
So very wrong.
"Rosalie was correct was she not? I almost doubted her, but she was correct," he said, "you are not my sister are you? By that I mean by blood."
"Well you had to find out eventually, but yes, she is correct," Penelope confirmed, shrugging her shoulders and glancing back at Rosalie, "makes it all the more easier for me really."
Harry was in disbelief at how cold and callous Penelope spoke of Rosalie, like she was a mere distraction to be dealt with.
"How? Us?" he shook his head.
"My parents took you in when your mother died in childbirth, your father was unknown," she said matter of fact, "that was all mother revealed to me before she left."
She turned back to Harry.
"You'll finish her off shortly and then we will be free to be together for all eternity," Penelope smiled at him.
"Never!" Harry yelled, fury taking over, "I. Will. Never." he pointed a finger at her, "I would rather die than spend eternity with you Penelope!"
Penelope gasped at the rage with which Harry yelled at her.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
He was supposed to realise how happy he would be with her, not Rosalie.
That she was the one he would spend the rest of his life with.
"Harry," she began.
The sound of a wooden chair thrown against the wall by Harry startled Penelope, causing her to cease speaking.
The noise also caused Rosalie's eyes to flutter.
"I promise you this Penelope," Harry was now seething, "if she does not live to see the night through, neither will you," he continued to yell.
Penelope flinched.
Unbeknownst to either of them, Rosalie opened her eyes.
Harry dropped to one knee, his hands on the floor to steady himself.
"You shall see that I am right Harry, my darling love," Penelope stepped closer, running her hand lovingly through his hair, "it will all work itself out perfectly."

Would You Be Mine?
FanfictionYoung Rosalie Talbot meets a handsome and mysterious older stranger, Sir Harry Styles, at a private soirée. Inexplicably drawn to him she falls for his chivalrous charm, ignoring the warnings of her childhood friend, Dr. Alan McMichael. Harry bring...