Best Friends

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Here is the first imagine, best friends 


WinterNi -:)



It was mid December and you was helping Niall set up a date for a certain person he likes in his backgarden. Even though you have the biggest crush on Niall you just want him to be happy with whoever he likes. "I think we have done setting it up Niall. Its looks so beautiful! I sure the girl you like will love it." You say forcing a smile. It really broke your heart to know Niall will never like you. And you will forever be bestfriends. "I know right Y/N thank you so much for helping me." Niall replied as he pulled you into a hug. You couldn't help but melt into the hug.

But sadly the hug couldn't last forever and it ended a few mintues later. "Well I better get going." You tell him as you pick up your jacket that was on the floor. "Bye." You say smiling as you hug him again and leave. "See ya Y/N." You hear as you're walking. You turn around and look at Niall before smiling and walking away. 

A Few Hours later,

It was now 10pm and you were laying in your bed on your laptop on tumblr, reblogging cute pictures of couples. "I wonder how Niall date went." You mumble to your self as you sigh. 

Tears start to fall from your eyes as you start to think about how Niall would never date you, until you hear you phone starting to ring. You moved around your bed looking for your phone, but that ended up with you falling off. "Ow!" You moan as you sat up. "There my phone!" You shout as you turn to face your desk. You stood up and walked to your desk and picked up the phone

(A/N Bold is you)

Start of Phone Call

You - Hello??

Person - Hey Y/N 

You - Oh hey Niall whats up ?

Niall - Oh nothing much. Anyway can you meet me at my house in five??

You - Yeah sure Bye 

End Of Phone Call

You wonder why he wants to meet you as you look around your room for clothes. You decide you would just wear some jeans, a top, a snap-back (That you stole of Niall) and some vans. You rush out the house. You walked to your driveway to get your car but then you remember you don't have a car so you just run to Niall since you don't want to keep him waiting. 

You sigh as you unlock his front door and then you walk inside. "Niall where are you?" You shouted while walking around the whole house. You couldn't find him anywhere. You rolled you eyes. And you were about to leave when you hear someone shouting. "Y/N COME OUTSIDE!" It was Niall. You look around. Oh I should of look outside in the backgarden you think to you self as you walk to the door that leds to the garden. You open it and you see Niall standing there with a rose in his hand. 

"Hey Niall how was your date." You ask him as you walk closer. Niall laughed. "Well I don't know it just started." He repiled. And with that you mouth dropped. "What what?" You say. But if his date is starting why am  I here? Niall took you hand and held it."Y/N I wanna tell you something." He smiles. You nod before he continues,

"Y/N I been meaning to tell you this and I thought this would be the perfect time to tell you. Every since we were in nappies we have been best friends. But in year 6 I started to notice things I never did before like how when you laugh to hard you snort or when you smile you eyes would become brighter and I came to turns that I like you. And I been waiting forever to tell you this. Your the reason why I'm smiling, Your the reason why I laugh. Your the reason why I sing. Your the reason why I'm happy. What I'm trying to say is that. I love you." He finishes. 

You try and hold back the tears but I fail. Niall raises his hand and wipe the tears away and holds You closer with his arm around your wraist and your arms around his shoulders. 

It feels like everyone is gone and You and Niall has the whole world to ourselves but at the same time it feels like you're one of those couples in TV and Movies and there is people behind you taking a pictures of this scene 

"Say something Y/N." Niall whispers. Y smile as we both lean closer until your noses and touching and your lips are almost as well and Niall is cupping your cheek. "I love you too." You whispered back as you break the space but pushing your lips onto his.

The kiss was a sweet. Your lips were moving together slowly and you pulled him even more closer. You didn't even know that your eyes fluttered shut. When the kiss is over you open your eyes to see Niall smiling. 

"Well Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. It was the question you have been waiting for since forever. You laugh. "Yes Niall I'll be your girlfriend only if you'll be my boyfriend." You playfuly wink. Niall nodded and pecked your cheek as he pulled away. "This is perfect, You, Me, this date." Niall says. You nodded. "Wait a second.. You stole my snap-back." Niall shouts before he pulls it off your hair and runs. You laugh and shake your head before chasing after him.

And you spend the rest of the night together, laughing, kissing, talking. 


Well that was the first ever Imagine -:) What do you think of it let me know -:) By leaving a comment until next time.  




Stay Anti-Social


WinterNi -:)

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