School Project

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Hey guys its WinterNi :) and i am back with another cute Niall imagine. So this image is gonna be about You and Niall doing a School Project . -:) I'm trying to make this author note short and snappy because these are just irrelevant. So I hope you enjoy this imagine :)




 "This is hopeless." You cried as you layed down on the ground. You and Niall was at your house finishing a school project that you both have due tomorrow. Niall laughed, "Come on, Y/N it isn't that bad. And its only our faults for deciding to slack off and do the project the day before it dued." You rolled you eyes and looked at your notepad, writing ideas for the project. 

An hour later,

"Lets just give up a get an F on this." You goaned putting down your notepad and looking at Niall. Its been an hour later and all you guys have down is moaned about school work and throw papers at each other. Niall shook his head and sat down next to you. "Come on babe cheer up!" He said wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You layed your head on his shoulder and sighed. "Why does Sir have to give us an hard annoying project and the fact its half of our grade as well." You moaned. Before you could moan more, Niall's lips were on yours. Your lips moved together slowly. You pulled away. "What was that for?" You asked raising an eyebrow.  "Well Y/N you seemed stressed so I thought that would calm you down."Niall laughed, before kissing you again. "Well that definitely calmed me down." You winked.

And you two spend the whole night making out and then watching a movie and completly forgetting the project.


Well this was sweet but short -:) So hope you enjoyed this. I really enjoy writing this, you know. Comment down before a request I can do next, they really help. Inbox me if you want a imagine about you and Niall. I can definitely write that. Vote this if you like this. Make sure to follow me on here WinterNi and follow me on twitter RickianTwerks, I'm always on here and twitter since I spend my life on the internet, like some anti-social b*tch (I am a anti-social b*tch) . Make sure to check out my other story, Dumb Fanfic Moments, I just recently got 100 views on that which is amazing. Well I may update on Saturday but I'm not quite sure, I'm seeing The Fault In Our Stars then -:D I Can't wait. Since this is getting long, I am going to go 




Stay Anti-Social



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