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Taehyung POV

I was feeling lonely again. I had attempted to join Jin hyung in his bed but was kicked out every time. I sighed in attempts to go back to sleep, however sleep just wouldn't come.

"I'm going to sleep with Kookie" I mumbled to nobody imparticular

I quietly snuck out of bed, taking my pillow with me I left the room. I tip-toed down the hall, hoping my feet wouldn't make much noise as I passed Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung's room.

I finally reached the room that Jungkook and Jiminie share. That bothered me a bit, because I wanted to share a room with Kookie. He never kicked me out of his bed. I knocked on their door as quietly as possible, hoping that it was Jungkookie's voice and/or person to answer my knocks.

"Who is it...?"

I heard Kookie's tired morning voice softly answer me. I turned the door nob, quickly stepping inside and closing the door beind me.

"Jungkookie-ah can I sleep with you?" I asked in a bit of a pleading voice

"No hyung, go back to sleep" he replied

"But I cant!!" I whined

"Be quiet you'll wake Jiminie-hyung" Jungkook said tiredly

"Can I please sleep with you?"

"No hyung"



Then an idea popped in my head. I sniffled a bit and looked down, not that it really mattered. It was so dark we couldn't see each others faces anyway.

"B-But Jungkookie-ah I had a nightmare" I say

I can hear Kookie take in a sharp breath before I hear his footsteps coming over in my direction. I felt his hands grab my face and lift it up, making us look eye to eye.

"Are you ok??" his tone had changed, it was no concerned instead of annoyed

I nod

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly

I shook my head "I-It was too scary..."

Then he let go of my face and took one if my hands in his. He began leading me to his bed, and I felt a grin form on my face. I plopped my pillow down right next to his and laid down.

It was long until I felt Kookie get in the bed right next to me. I curled up close to him, and I felt Kookie put his arm over me. My head fit just under his chin in this position, it was nice and warm laying with Jungkookie.

"Goodnight Jungkookie-ah" I said tiredly

"Goodnight hyung" he said back

Then everything went to a peaceful darkness.

Jungkook POV

I knew it was Tae who had nocked on my door, its always him who comes into my room at this time of night. Not that im really complaining, I feel weird sometimes if he isn't sleeping right next to me.

As I stared down at Tae's sleeping form I couldn't help but smile. He looked so peaceful, and it got me wondering if he actually had a nightmare, or if he just wanted to sleep with me.

I could feel his warm breath hitting my neck each time he let go of a breath. It was somewhat soothing and I enjoyed it.

As he slept my hands somehow made their way to his hair. Playing with it, I realized how soft it was, just like him. His features were soft, his personality, and him as a whole.

I guessed that's the thing I really loved about him...

"Goodnight Taehyung" I whispered one last time before kissing his forehead and falling asleep myself.

However before I did, I had enough time to see a small smile paint his lips, making me smile again as well.

(A/N) ok yeah this one was short, but i came up with it randomly so deal with it.

Mostly these will be longer and im writing these for fun so yeah enjoy them.

Request as much as you want BUT if you request something dont request the same thing over and over bc that gets annoying AND it takes time to write.

Also i apologize for bad grammar and spelling. Please feel free to criticize me, criticism is always welcomed.

Anyway if you read this THANKS if you didnt TO BAD SO SAD LOL

Jk jk anyway see you in the next one shot

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