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"Now show me wear me and my son will be staying"

Caius narrowed his crimson eyes at his cheeky mate.

"Hang on a moment, mi amore"

"Lola" she hissed "Its Lola to you. Not mi amore"

"I can call you whatever I Please!" Caius raised his voice slightly "you are my mate! You do not have control over me!"

"Just as you do not have control over me!" Her voice held the same amount of anger and venom, and was slightly louder than his "If this is what this month will consist of then we're leaving"

Mason began to stir at the yelling, but that boy could sleep through a tornado, so Lola wasn't worried.

She stormed past him but he grabbed her free arm and pulled her back, being careful with Mason in her arms.

"You're not going anywhere"

"What are going to do?" He said nothing "that's what I thought"

She began to walk again but before she could, Mason was snatched from her and she was thrown over an ice cold shoulder.

Lola's green eyes widened as she began pounding on his back. Her small fists had no impact on him. He held a sleeping Mason in his arms, who shuddered from the cold but snuggled closer to Caius nonetheless. His other arm was holding her thought firmly in place as she wriggled and squirmed in his hold.

"Get off of me! Now!" He ignored her and kept walking "Now! Caius this is not a request! I am demanding that you put me down this instant"

"You keep struggling and you could his Mason" he replied, not giving her a glance.

She stiffened immediately and slightly relaxed her body while keeping her guard up.

He stopped in front of two large double doors, wooden carvings decorated the doors, while in the centre was a large 'C.V' encrusted in gold.

He opened the large doors and dropped her into the bed. She kept her eyes on Caius as he placed her son on the other side of the bed.

"You'll be staying here, my chambers"

"What? No"

Fierce ➰Caius Volturi➰Where stories live. Discover now