Chapter 10

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Light shined into the old two-leg den that tigerheart was currently resting in, the only noise was the short breaths the two toms were taking.

Tigerheart vaugly remembered when he had last slept like this untorchured by endless training sessions and vicious fights it all overwhelmed him, tigerstar attacking him.

Flamepaw stirred in the opposite corner and finally got up streching awkwardly, he yawned and then slowly climbed out the hole in the side of the building.

"i'm going hunting,"flamepaw meowed before he was out of earshot.

(switch pov flamepaw)

It was horrible none of the kits had caught his eye so the pain of never being able to love dovewing was unbearable it tore him through the core.

His mother always told him to go after who he loved because if you left them another would take your place that was what had happened, it didn't appeal to him to make the same mistake because he now would try to stake his love onto silverkit, she looled exactly like her mother except with lighter eyes.

He couldn't love a kit, not till she was an apprentice a least.

Flamepaw shifted into a hunter's crouch as he smelt a mouse in the brush, he tracked it easily then moved slowly downwind from the crearure, it's ear flickered as it heard a slight crackle of a leaf, it calmed soon which was lucky for flamepaw, and he then crouched slowly his muscles bunching together for a leap, he leapt and landed on top of the small creature, he grabbed it with his claws, flipped it into the air catching it with his jaws then bit in to its feeble body.

The meal satisfied him for the time being he would have to hunt later and keep up his strength.


Ivypool emerged from her den and ruffled her pelt, she didn't enjoy the way things are, and the hunts and border patrols were long they lived a long ways from the lake around a moons journey.

She matched things to how they were before but inter clan relationships were rather thorny she had even found her own love in riverclan a lone tom named, coalfur, he a dark grey tom who had green eyes.

She called the second clan meeting this week,"all cats old enough to cath their own food gather at wave rock!"

"i am here to make two special kits apprentices,ivypool meowed, rainkit and blazekit step foreward."

The two kits stepped foreward eyes full of wonder.

"i call upon my warrior ansestors to look upon these two cats, blazekit till you earn your warrior name you will be known as blazepaw your mentor spiderleg.

Rainkit is it your wishes to jump into the wonders and mysteries of starclan as a medicine cat?"

"yes,"the she-cat meowed.

"then you will be known as rainpaw till your mentor,jayfeather, gives you your medicine cat name!"

"Rainpaw!blazepaw!rainpaw!blazepaw!"the clan cheered.

The two newly named apprentices stood high and tall feeling on top of the world.

The ceremony ended and he clan cleared out into either hunting patrols or border patrols.

Ivypool jumped down thinking about her lost sister


Tigerheart had finally made it the stink of the mixed clans ruffled his fur he couldn't make out any other scent besides his own and flamepaw.

He saw a golden tabby apprentice come into view with a thunderclan cat, spiderleg.

"blazepaw,spiderleg meowed, this is our border."

Blazepaw looked around wide eyed, he then sniffed in deeply.

The tom flexed his claws and stopped sniffing."someone is here,"he meowed his amber eyes glinting towards the spot where he was.

Blazepaw growled as tigerheart stepped out of the bushes.

"i mean no harm,"tigerheart meowed.

"then move along loner!"blazepaw hissed.

"wait blazepaw!"spiderleg meowed."that's tigerheart from shadowclan!"

"tigerheart where's dovewing?"spiderleg asked.

Tigerheart gazed down."she's alive but she had our kits we need help to get her over here."

"we will talk to ivypool about this,"spiderleg meowed.

"i thank you spiderleg,"tigerheart meowed.

"it is really no problem,"he meowed sympathy in his eyes.

Flamepaw scrambled towards tigerheart a finch in his jaws.

"the hunting here is hard,"he meowed.

"come on flamepaw,"he meowed."time to go."


Dovewing grumbled in her sleep she was having a nightmare.

When she awoke she looked around to see her kits still curled up asleep a pale stream of moonlight filtered into the old den they currently resided in they had stopped moving for the time being because the kits were getting sore pads they were only about two days travel but with the kits about five or more.

She had to stop even with the impending doom of he cat on her trail. He was currently around 2-3 miles away he was catchin up quick he didn't seem alive anymore.


I am terribly sorry it is short but i wanted to update soon because i wasn't connected to wifi last wendsday

Sorry people<3

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