From The Ashes

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I wish I could hate you.
Hate you for what you've done.
Hate you for who you are.
I wish I had that angry fire burning within me.
That fire that explodes like life taking bombs,
Like the bombs you surrounded me in,
Burying me, making sure
That not even a bit of my soul survives.

I wish when I thought of you,
I could cast the thought away
In the smoke and ash of all your explosions.
All the explosions you aimed at me,
With that hate filled look in your eyes,
Then the words of never again.

The hate and anger are gone though,
Burried beneath the debris you created.
A last kiss of pity and sadness
Sweep through the wind,
The echo quickly faded.

Now, when I think of you,
There is nothing.
You're nothing but a memory,
A once treasured heirloom,
Shattered into unfixable pieces.
You once made me believe that I was the broken.
I know now that you are,
You are the one broken beyond repair.

What's left behind those soulless eyes?
The vast eternity of anguish filled misery
Pours out onto everyone you cross paths with.
When I thought you were breaking me,
You just built me up,
A mess left behind that I can clean up.
A slightly crooked tower,
Standing taller than ever before.

When I think of you,
There is nothing,
Nothing but a whisper of a thank you.
A thank you for the gift of life
You mistakeningly gave to me,
In which I see everything good in the world,
The gift that is the most precious to me.

A thank you for leaving me in ruins,
So that I may rise from the ashes
In which you built me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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