The Move

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I let out a small exhale as we pulled up to the house.

My new house.

The one my mom made me leave everything behind for.                                                                                    The one we left him, behind for.                                                                                                                                       I inhaled in the cool, pine-scented air. I wasn't going to lie, it was absolutely stunning here.It was everything I've ever dreamed about. A house in the middle of the woods, only a couple of neighbors, but they lived half a mile away. Even though I was still royally pissed that my mom moved us here without him, I knew that I was going to like it here, or, at least the scenery.

"Emily" ...... "EMILY"                                                                                                                                                             My head snapped away from the window. "Huh?" I said making it obvious that I didn't really care what she had to say.                                                                                                                                           "Are you just going to sit there or are you  going to go and pick a room?"                                                  I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the pickup truck. Flattening out my yellow dress and fixing my black hat, I headed inside to do as she said, pick a room.

The door opened with a loud, deep, creak.  "Wow" I thought to myself. " I knew this place was old, but not this  old." I left the door open, knowing my mom would be bringing things in because she's too eager to start a new life in a "new" home. I started by touring, first thing i noticed, was this place was almost completely furnished with old furniture. There were several bookcases filled with old ancient looking books. I will admit, this place does seem pretty cool. Especially since I'm a complete book geek. I knew I was most definitely going to be reading those books.

Eventually, I make my way up the spiral staircase to pick a room. I must've looked in three different rooms before I found the one that I wanted. It was beautiful. It featured this area that was nothing but windows, not to mention it had a balcony. I could already see myself reading in this room. I set my backpack down and began to browse. 

There were so many books in this room, I loved it. There were all wood furnishings. The dresser, the bed, the side tables, the chair. It was completely breathtaking. It made me wonder how my mom was able to afford it. How was she able to buy a fully furnished mansion.

I got carried away with reading this book I had found. I say book, but it was actually an old diary. It was written by some women named Jane. 

*Excerpt from diary*

June 7th, 1877,

They've found me. After all this time, they've found me. I have to hide the necklace. They cant have it, the twins are dangerous. If  th-

I was cut off by a rough, rocky voice. I jumped and looked up only to see this dark, slim, tall figure looking at me. "Who the hell are you" I said. He smiled,                                                                   your mom let me in, I just wanted to welcome you to town, I live on the property right next to you. My name is Marcus......                                                                                                                                                             I began to blush, not only was this mysterious hot guy in my room, but i also just snapped on him only to find out hes my neighbor welcoming my mom and I to town.                                                                             "Oh" I said."Sorry, I just didnt expect anyone to see us moving in"                                  A smile curled on his lips.  We've been expecting you since your mother bought this place. Everyone in town is awaiting to see who was brave enough to buy the Rigve  Mansion. Anyways, i'll leave you  to it  he said.                                                                                                                                                           Wait, did he just say who was brave  enough to buy this place. Before I could as what he ment by that, he was gone. I was so confused.                                                                                                           I didn't sleep much that night.I couldn't stop thinking about him. Marcus. He was so. Mysterious. The way his hair laid on his forhead. The curl of his lips when he smiled. Who was he. And why did I feel so fluttery about him. My eyes slowly began to close, and I fell asleep.

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