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*Around three in the morning*

I woke up to a loud bang.

My eyes shot open.

"Mom" I screamed

I couldn't stop crying, all I could think about was him getting hit over and over like a loop in my mind.

My door burst open and I found myself in my mom's embrace.



"B R E A T H"

"It's not happening, calm down"

She began to stroke my hair and I slowly fell back asleep.

*Around 10 am*

I rolled over and squinted as the sunlight hit my face. The faint memory of last night's panic attack began to fill my mind.

Emily, you have to stop this, you have to. It's been six months since.....

It hurt too much to even think about. How could mom move me here after everything I've been through? I rolled back over to check my phone. There it was. A good morning text. Just like he promised.


Him/ good morning beautiful

Me/ good morning <3

Him/ how are you liking it so far?

Me/ I mean, it's pretty here, but it's just not home, you know.

Him/ I know, it's going to be rough, but, I know everyone will love you. I've got to go, I have Physical Therapy in twenty minutes and I'm still in bed. I was waiting for you to reply.

I locked my phone. Stood up. And decided to shower.


I heard banging on the bathroom door.

"Yea mom?"

You've been in there for almost an hour. Is everything okay?

"Shit" I thought to myself.

"yeah mom, everything is okay, I just lost track of time"

I didn't hear a reply so I assumed she left. I turned off the water, wrapped myself in a towel, and headed to my room.

I must've spent a solid four hours sitting on my bed in my towel. I got wrapped up in reading the old diary again. It was just so, intriguing. Whoever wrote this either had some serious mental issues or was beyond paranoid.

June 20th, 1877

Today I saw them again. The twins. Nobody knows them just like I do. Nobody knows how dangerous they are or why they're actually here. That is, except for me. I do exactly as my mother tells me. I keep the necklace on at all times, never letting it out of my site. I know the power it holds is dangerous. I know that they can't have it.

I must go, there's a knock at my door.

I turned the page and continued to read every last word.

August 22nd, 1877

Today was great. They were nowhere to be seen. I finally left the mansion today. I went to the market and enjoyed fresh jam. Maybe they gave up. Maybe, they won't be back

"That's weird" I said.

When I turned the page, it had dried blood stains on it. "okay, ew"

April 7th,1878

I am in danger. They returned after months of being nowhere to be seen. I was careless and took the necklace off. I put it with the Rigve.

If I don't write again, it's because they found me. Please, find the necklace and destroy it.

I turned the page only to be greeted by and empty space.

"What the heck" I shook my head and continued to flip through all the pages. "Nothing"

I turned back to the blood stained page.

"You died, but who killed you"

My mind began to race. Suddenly I remembered her saying where she hid it .

"Hold on" I said to myself

"Emily, you're reading the diary of a crazy person, there were no murderous twins nor an all powerful necklace"

I sighed

"I guess it doesn't hurt to look"

I looked down and realized that I was still in my towel from FOUR hours ago.

I got dressed.

"Now, what the hell is the Rigve"

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