Chpt 10- The Prophet's Story

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"Robyn, god dammit, where are you, you know I don't like these surprise games of hide and seek!" My daddy exclaimed. I giggled underneath his covers, they were so messy daddy couldn't tell I was even there. I heard daddy walk in and he saw me giggling. "Robyn, you worried me." He said pulling the covers off of me picking me up and hugging me. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to to play." I said, pouting. Daddy chuckled. "It's ok, just next time ask to play." He said cuddling me closer to him. I hugged his neck. "Daddy, I'm bored." I whispered into his shoulder. "Well, do you wanna go to an amusement park?" He asked. I perked up, nodding vigorously. "Ok, go get ready." Daddy told me setting me down. I rushed over to my room pulling out a t-shirt and my shorts and my all black converse. Daddy came into my room to brush my hair. He tried to do it gently, but there was just no gentle way to do it without hurting me. He just did it quickly and got it up in a pony tail, putting on my bandanna headband. "Come on we can go." Daddy said, picking me up. We got in the car, before driving to a house I didn't recognize. I looked at daddy confused. "Uncle Matt and Ashley are coming with us." Daddy said. I smiled and nodded. Uncle Matt cane out with daddy in a few minutes, and then we went to go get uncle Ashley from his house.

Me and daddy had made it to the amusement park, he grabbed me putting me in his shoulders, I was SUPER tall, it was awesome. We made it to the kiddie area and we got on this octopus in that went up and down, and bumper cars, and a small roller coaster. Uncle Ashley filmed daddy getting stuck the bumper cars ride and some workers had to get him out. I laughed really hard at that. Then it was time to eat. "Ok, batgirl what do you wanna eat?" Daddy asked me. I pointed to the chicken strips, and a churro. He smiled. "A kids chicken strips and two churros." He said. The lady gave him the number, and he grabbed it before picking me up and walking to one of the tables, after uncle Matt and uncle Ashley ordered their food, they went over to our table. Uncle Matt was talking to daddy, and uncle Ashley was talking to me. "So, how are you doing Robbie?" He asked. I smiled. "Well I'd be better if I had food, but I'm ok." Ashley smiled. "Number 34!" The guy exclaimed. Daddy got up. "That's us, I'll be right back batgirl." Daddy said, kissing the top of my head. "You two keep an eye on her." Daddy said glaring at them. "You got it bro, when do we not." Uncle Matt said. Daddy nodded before going to get our food. Me and my uncles were taking before Ashley's eye deviated from me, onto behind me. "Robbie, come over here and sit with me." He said. I nodded, scooting under the table. I sat in between my two uncles. Me and uncle Matt continued talking, but uncle Ashley was glaring at something. "Yo, Ash, are you ok?" Daddy asked. Ashley stopped him, standing up. "Hey you! What are you staring at her for?!" He shouted. A very familiar face came into view. "Daddy that's him!" I whisper shouted. It took him a second, but soon he got it. "Hey, dick, get the fuck away from my daughter!" Daddy yelled. Uncle Ashley and uncle Matt wrapped their arms around me protectively. I started shaking, as the guy and daddy started getting into a heated argument. "I adopted her first!" The guy shouted. "Well she's my real daughter!" Daddy exclaimed. I gasped, c-could I really be his daughter? I mean I always felt closer to him, I just figured that was due to him actually caring for me, instead of treating me like a slave. "D-Daddy, is it true?"

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