Chpt 11- The Wounded Saviour

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     "D-Daddy, is it true?" I asked. Daddy turned around to talk to me, but the man went to attack me and daddy caught the blow. Uncle Ashley and uncle Matt went to attack the guy and they ended pinning him so the park security could take him away. "Daddy, are you ok?" I asked. Daddy groaned trying to sit up. "Uncle Ashley, uncle Matt!!" I cried. "Daddy's hurt, I think he hit his head really hard on the floor!!" I shouted. They rushed over as soon as the man was taken away. I wrapped my arms around daddy's neck, sobbing. 'Please daddy, please be ok!' I thought to myself. I couldn't handle losing him to. Uncle Ashley and uncle Matt had called the ambulance. When they tried to take me off I screamed and cried. My daddy was cold and he wasn't moving, I couldn't leave him alone!! Once of the EMTs picked me up, and once they got daddy on the gurney, the EMT sat me down next to Daddy, and I laid down next to him, cuddling closer to him.

Once we got to the hospital, they took me away from daddy, rushing him into a room. I screamed and cried while uncle Ashley was comforting me. Uncle Matt got us some food from the cafeteria, since we hadn't gotten a chance to eat. I sniffled, stopping my crying, and ate the cold turkey and cheese sandwich. Once I was done, we waited until the waiting room was getting ready to close, they said he hit his head pretty hard and he would have to stay there for a couple of days for observation. "Robbie, you're gonna stay with me this weekend, at least until Andy's out of hospital." Uncle Ashley said. I nodded. He took me to my house to get my suitcase and got my things to stay, I even grabbed femme and crow's food and water dishes, before calling them to follow me. They did and we got in uncle Ashley's car, before driving to his house. Before I went in he cleaned it up a little bit, and then he led me to his guest room. "Here's where you'll be staying." He said setting down my stuff before kissing the top of my head, and going into his room. Crow and femme followed me into the room before I set up my pillow and blanched in the bed. I went to the bathroom and changed into my pjs. Once I was in my pjs I walked into uncle Ashley's room. "Uncle Ashley, can you braid my hair." I asked quietly, holding my hair brush. He chuckled and nodded. Brushing my hair softly. Before starting to braid it. I thanked him when he was done. He nodded, before saying goodnight. "Night." I said, before going to the room. Crow and femme comforted me, rubbing their soft heads against me. I hugged them close, thankful for the familiarity of their purrs. I blinked trying to stop the tears that threatened to spill. I turned off the lights, going to the bed and curling under the covers. Femme and crow joined me, curling up next to my small body. I tried to sleep but I couldn't, knowing daddy wasn't here, to comfort me when I had nightmares, or to sing me to sleep when I couldn't fall asleep. Crow purred against me, feeling my distress. I wrapped my arm around him pulling him close to me, petting him softly. The sound of their soft, calming purrs, slowly but surely drifted me off to a sound, dreamless sleep

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