What's the point in coming out to anybody?
I'm so confident that I'm ... Aaron.
I feel so invalid.
I don't experience dysphoria like other trans* people.
Everybody hates on those who say they're trans* but don't experience dysphoria.
Call them "transtrenders"
I just ...
What if I don't belong ...
What if everybody starts hating me to the point where I cant stand it and ....
What if I'm not actually Aaron?
What if I'm actually Mckenzie?
The stupid straight, cis female that nobody likes anyways?
I finally figured myself out.
But what if all of that fucking questioning was for nothing?
Countless days of torture all down the fucking drain.
I fucking feel like Aaron.
But I feel so invalid.
Everybody in the LGBTQIA+ community hates people who are actually transgender* but don't experience dysphoria.
People like me.
I always felt as if everybody hated me, anyways ...
They do.
Nobody cares about me.
It feels like it sometimes, anyways ...
I just...
*deep breath*
I hate me.
I fucking hate me.
I hate being me.
Need to calm the FUCK down.
Need to get help.
Gather the fucking courage to just ask for a therapist.
I need a therapist.