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'You got it all wrong, I'm not using you to get to your brother.'' Josh said, taking off his glasses, but closing his eyes, not looking at Jade.

''Why would you hang out with me then, because all the signs tell me you are.'' Jade said, her voice full of venom. She really doesn't like fake people, no matter how ironic that sounds coming from her.

''Okay, I was at first, but then I got to know you a tiny bit better when we went to that house. You don't understand, like... No one knows about it, except you and me.'' Josh said, his voice pleading. 

''Then why did you bring me there?'' Jade asked him, confused now. She really didn't like the fast pace of her heart right now. Because of his confession she felt something strong, and that made her mad and scared.

''I don't know, I have asked that to myself every day now, and after talking to you on that roof I realized that I actually like your company, and since that day I don't even care about your brother.'' Josh said, sighing at the end. He finished his cigarette and threw it away.

''Why would I believe you?'' Jade asked him, trying to keep her voice casual. She felt as though her heart could explode right now. She also threw away the cigarette, her hands shaking at that moment. Good thing Josh wasn't looking at her direction.

''I don't know, because you care about me maybe?'' Josh casually told her.

''Care, and why would you think that?'' Jade asked him, amused at his confidence.

''Because I can feel it. But don't worry, I care about you as well.'' Josh said, smiling, but not looking at her.

Silence followed next. Both in their own thoughts. Jade was trying to calm herself down. Josh was just admiring the view.

''So, what's the story behind this place, why here?'' Josh asked, breaking the silence.

''If I tell you, will you tell me the story behind the house back in your town?'' Jade said with a smirk on her face.

''Okay.'' Josh whispered, getting a bit scared now.

''After my brother came home crying for the first and the last time, we went out for a walk to calm him down. He didn't speak for the next week after that night. But we found this place, and I asked dad to hire some dude to build this tree house, because when we climbed up this tree, we sat on this branch.'' 

Jade explained and showed Josh the branch. 

''And when he looked around hefinally stopped crying. So that's why this is a place to sort out my thoughts or to just simply calm down when I'm mad or sad, sometimes just simply confused.''

Josh looked around once again, taking in the new information and the view now, after finding out what it did to Jades brother and herself.

''Wow, this place really is magical.'' He said and chuckled. Jade chuckled in response.

''That was my old house.'' Josh stated and put his glasses back on so he could look at Jade. Her eyes told him to get deeper in the story, that the information he gave her was simply not enough.

''something happened back there, so we moved to this town. We originally are from here, but parents wanted to protect me from all the gangster stuff, so we moved there, but after what happened we moved back, and when I started to go to school here I found out about the gang stuff right away. I took it pretty bad, plus the trauma from my old house was on top of it all.'' Josh told Jade.

He knew that she would like to know the thing that happened, but he just wasn't ready to talk about it, simply because he hasn't mentioned it for years.

''I'm not ready to talk about it yet J, but what I can tell you is that after I found out about the gang stuff I was diagnosed with depression. Took me two years of pills to be okay again.'' Josh told Jade looking at the view, like he was getting flashbacks of his past.

''That's something I would've never guessed to be honest.'' Jade said truthfully. 

Silence followed again, both of them collecting their thoughts and the new information once again.

''You are not the dude I thought you would be J, shocking...'' Jade told Josh when she got tired of the silence. Josh's voice weirdly calmed her. 

''Same goes to you, who knew you could be so tough and interesting. At first I thought you were this boring chick, just a girl who tried so hard to be this bad ass, like everyone else.'' Josh replied to Jades statement with his own story.

''Really?'' Jade asked him, shocked at his first thought about her.

''No.'' Josh said and they both chuckled.

After another round of silence they both realized how dark it is. Josh took out his phone and showed it to Jade. The screen showed the time. It was 11 PM. 

''We should probably get going.'' Jade said, barely over a whisper.

''We really should.'' Josh replied just as quietly.

Jade started climbing down the latter, waiting for Josh to climb down as well. They both walked back to the car, sneaking glances at each other. The only thing is that Jade never saw Josh's glances because of his glasses, but Josh saw all of Jades.

Josh liked the effect he had on Jade. But he hated the effect she had on him. Same goes for Jade.

They both were really similar in that way, both scared from attachment.

They got in the car and drove back to Jades house. When they stopped at the driveway of her house both looked at each other.

''Will you come to school tomorrow?'' Josh asked Jade with hopeful tone.

''I don't know, I still have some stuff to sort out, you know, before the storm.'' Jade replied. She looked at Josh's face, admiring every feature of it.

''Oh.'' Josh simply said.

After a few minutes of both of them looking at each other Josh got sick of keeping all his feelings away.

''Fuck it.'' Josh said and leaned in to kiss Jade. She wasn't shocked at his move, but was glad, kissing him right back. They both shared their emotions they felt towards each other, not holding anything back. Fireworks exploding everywhere for each of them. The feeling was the most magical experience for both of them. 

After a while Jade pulled back a bit and whispered against Josh's lips ''Come inside.'' And moved away from him to step out of the car.

Josh followed her. climbing out of the car, walking towards her house.

Missing the connection Jade attached her lips back to Josh's ones and opened the door. They walked towards the stairs with lips attached to each others.

''What the fuck?'' They both suddenly heard and pulled apart right away, looking at the direction of the voice. Even if they both recognized the voice right away.





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