Who are you in the dark?

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  Then someone decided to break the silence ''So... why did you decide to become such a bad ass?'' Josh asked, genuinely interested in her response. Jade thought about the best answer she could give him, that wouldn't give a lot away.

''I have always been quite the trouble maker, but, yeah, umm....'' She stuttered a bit, her mind was in the middle of deciding if she should bring her brother into the conversation or not. ''But I didn't want anyone to know, but this is my last year in this school, so I decided to just quit the acting, I thought this town deserved at least that much.''

Josh sat quiet for a bit, going through all the information he just got. He realized that Jade doesn't know the story, and he wanted to tell her, but it would be more beneficial if Jade didn't know. ''Fair enough, that actually makes sense.'' They were both lying to each other. 

''And why is this your 'get your thoughts straight' place?'' Jade asked him, deciding that it's the best moment she could bring up the question. She looked at Josh and  he had his eyes closed. Suddenly she wanted to see his eyes, the color of it, the emotion in it. Her thoughts got interrupted with his answer.

''History of this place is something that helps me concentrate here. I have two other places to collect my thoughts in this town. One is by the beach and one is in a forest. I've had each place for different situations.'' He said to Jade, still with his eyes shut closed.

At that moment Jade realized how similar the locations were, she had the same places, but in the town they both live in now. ''Josh, you might not believe me, but I have the same locations back in our town as well, In the middle of a forest, by the sea and a building, not like this, but a burnt down hospital. How funny is that?'' Jade just blurted out, not thinking through what she just said, but oddly she didn't regret it.

''Well then I might have an Idea, a great idea actually.'' Josh said, as he put his sunglasses back on his eyes and stared at Jade with a small smile on his lips. Jade was suddenly interested in his idea, a lot more then in the morning when he offered her this trip, so she listened closely, her eyes told him to continue.

''Why don't we show each other these places every Tuesday, we could get to know each other. I mean we do need to know our competition do we?'' Josh said to Jade with a smirk on his lips now.

Jade wasn't expecting him to say that at all. Jades places were special to her, nobody knew about them, but in a weird way her mind told her that she should show him the places she adores, that Jade would open the mystery door together with him, something she always searched for, because Jade had the keys for these doors. 

''Okay.'' she answered, it came out more as a whisper not an answer full of confidence. That confused Josh quite a bit, he was so used to her confidence filled voice. 

'' Okay.'' he replied, also in a whisper. They stood there looking at each other for quite some time. They both analysed each others faces deeply. Jade only then saw that Josh had a scar right on his left cheekbone and his cheekbones were quite defined. She saw how he tilted his head to the right side as he was deep in thought while analyzing her. 

His jawline was really sharp and his eyebrows were amazing. His dark brown hair was tossed in a lot of different directions. He had quite red, tinted lips from biting them all the time. she noticed quite a long time ago that he liked to do that quite often. Only now Jade noticed that she actually pays attention to what he does, that scares her for a moment, as Jade knows that she can't get attached. 

Jade cleared her throat and tried to move on from their quite weird moment. ''So why did you start smoking?'' Jade asked the question she first thought of, understanding how random that actually sounded only after she said it.

Josh chuckled at it, realizing what Jade just did there. He was also as freaked out as she was, but he didn't let her see it. That was the difference between them, Jade wasn't scared to show her emotions, she was actually proud of them, while that was Josh's biggest fear, showing his emotions to anyone.

''I actually don't smoke a lot, only when I'm feeling this emotion..'' Jade waited for him to finish, she was confused of his sentence, but at the same time if he would put another word at the end of it, the sentence would make a perfect sense. ''What about you?'' Josh finished and then Jade realized that he wont finish his sentence.

''Well, I started when I was 15, something happened and after then it calmed me down, and now it's just a habit.'' It was the same with Josh, he knew she left out the real reason why she started smoking, but he didn't question it any further, understanding that he didn't tell her much either. 

They both knew that they didn't truly trust each other yet, but they knew they enjoyed each others company in a weird way. In a way they were both scared of that as well.

Again, the silence came over, but not an awkward one. Josh was looking at the small town again, but Jade looked straight at him. She saw how he closed his eyes and took his sunglasses off again. Something came over Jade and she did the unthinkable.

Jade took Josh's face in between her palms and turned his face towards her. His eyes were still closed. Jade then spoke ''Why do you wear your glasses all the time, I wanna see your eyes.'' She said and then gasped. His mood switched fast.

He got his face away from her and turned away. '' Maybe one day, but for now we should go to get something to eat'' He said sternly to her, putting his sunglasses back on his eyes.

Jade didn't know what to say or do, she knew that she shouldn't have said what she did. Jade just nodded in response. Josh stood up and went towards the door and Jade followed after him.

They both got into the car. ''So what do you want to eat, where should we go?'' Josh asked, Jade still heard some annoyance and sadness in his voice, which made her feel guiltier and more confused than ever. ''Don't mind, maybe pizza?'' She simply, but carefully replied.

Drive towards the diner was silent, but for the first time it was the awkward silence. It ate both of them apart, but none of them even tried to break it. They arrived at the pizza diner and went inside it. They sat down and just ordered whatever they wanted.

''Okay, sorry i'm being mad about earlier, It's a touchy subject, can we fucking move on now?'' Josh said, still a bit annoyed. Jade cringed at the way he said it, but acted as if it was fine. ''Yeah, of course.'' Jade said a bit too cheery, and of course - fake. 

They made a bit of small talk while they ate their food, they both acted as it was okay, but both of them knew it was in fact not really okay. When they finished their food it was evening already, about 9 PM and the drive back to the town was another hour.

They drove home and talked about things that didn't even make sense. When they arrived at Jades house they both sat in the car awkwardly for a minute and Jade broke it. '' Well, as much as i hate to admit it I had fun today Josh, see you around yeah?'' Jade said a bit hopeful, she just had this feeling inside that something bad is going to happen.

''Yeah, of course.'' Josh said, but didn't sound so reassuring. Jade climbed out of the car and went to her house. Someone was sitting on the steps in front of her door. 

This was not a good sign and now she was curious, but not at all scared. When Jade came closer to the shadow, the person spoke up.

''Where have you been and what are you wearing?'' That person was mad and Jade realized who that is right away when she heard his voice... Now it was time for her to be scared.


OKAYYYY... I love this chappterrrrr.... do you? And it will all unravel slowly from now on so stay tuned. Im excited to write the next chapters. BYEE...

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