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David's p.o.v

I'm sitting on bathroom's floor with knife on my hand. I have been here since I got back home.

The walk back took over two hours, because I got lost many times. Now it's nine o'clock I think. Dave won't be home soon. He said he will be late.

I cut few times more, but it doesn't help for the pain I feel inside. Dave doesn't know anything about my cutting. I always wear long sleeves when he's around. He won't notice because it's not wery warm yet. It's only spring.

I get up and wash my arms and knife. When I look in the mirror, I notice, that I have hand-shaped bruises on my neck. What a lucky I have long hair.

Dave doesn't need to know. I don't want him to worry or think that I cause troubles. It's not that I don't trust him, it's just better if he doesn't know.

Suddendly I hear the frontdoor opening. Quikly I hide the knife behind my dirty clothes in the corner, and brush my hair so it covers the bruises. Then I step out of the bathroom.

- Hey David! I got home earlier than I thought, Dave said smiling.

I smiled back because I don't want him to notice anything. I wan't to hug him, but I can't or he will notice my bruises.

- David, I need to ask something from you, Dave says seriously.

- Yes?

Did he notice something? Did somepody tell him about my cuts? What if that guy who choked me knows Dave and told him?

-Don't worry, it's nothing bad, he promises.

We sit down on his couch.

- Um... When you kissed me this morning, did you... I mean... Did you... he stutters.

- Just ask it. You said it's nothing pad, I try to calm him and myself down.

- Did you mean that you like me more than just a friend? he finally asks blushing.

- I think I did, I blush too when I think about the kiss;
- Do you like me more than just a friend?

- Yes, I think I do, he answers smiling.

Then he takes my hand and leans forward untill our lips almost touch.

- Is this okay? he whispers

-Yea, I whisper back.

I lean just a little closer and he kisses me. I forget everything else and put my hands on his shoulders. He have his other hand on my cheek and other on my back.

When we separate, I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder.

- Are you tired? he asks petting my hair.

I just nod, and he stands up. I'm again on his back. I like it when he carries me around.

When we get in my room, he puts me down. I get on my bed and under the cover.

- Good night, Kitty, he says and kisses my cheek.

- Good night Dave, I mumbe before I fall asleep.

Dave's p.o.v

I wake up in good mood. It's only seven o'clock, I have to go early to work today. I'll take a bus with Joe. His car is still broken

I change my clothes and go to downstairs trying not to wake up David. I eat breakfast and leave a note to David, so he knows when I'll be back.

Walk to Joe's house is actually very nice. Sun is rising and it's so quiet. Usually I'm so tired that I don't notice anything.

Sometimes I think what was like in thousand years before. What I have been told, it wasn't much diffrent. We have still similar cars, but they aren't so bad to enviroment. There is new kind of music but old music is still there.

- Hi Dave! Joe yelled.

- Morning! I answer smiling.

- Who are you and what have you done to Dave? Joe asked suprised;
- Normally you don't even talk to anypody before you have had like ten cups of coffee.

- I just woke up on a good mood, I answer.

- Miracles happen, Joe laughs.

- Speaking of miracles, did you ask anypody to that party? I ask curious.

- I'm gonna ask today, Joe says excited.

- Who?

- I tell you if you tell me, he says with smirk.

- Okay, you first, I say;
- But don't tell it to everypody.

- I won't. I'm gonna ask Sav, he says smiling.

- Good, he has a crush to you, I aswer.

Joe stops walking and stares me.

- What? Really? And nopody told me? he yells.

- We didn't know that you like him too, I explain.

We arriwe to bus stop and sit down.

- Now your turn. Who are you gonna ask? Joe turns to me.

- Well... I'm not sure. I think I'll ask David, I feel my cheeks turning red.

- Awwww! Little Davey is in looooveeee! Joe yells.

- Shut up. I didn't laugh to you.

- Whatever. I have tried to ask Sav like three days but he's always with somepody, Joe says quieter.

- I'll tell him to go get something from storage at nine o'clock. Go and ask him then, I suggest.

- Thanks! You're a life saver! Joe thanks me.

We step inside the office and Sav is already there. He smiles at Joe and when Joe smiles back, he blushes. I can't believe Joe hasn't noticed anything.

- Hi Sav. Where's Mick? I ask.

- Hasn't come yet. You know, he's not morning person, Sav answers.

And few minutes later Mick walks in;
- Give. Me. Coffee! he says and stumbles to his chair.

- Good morning to you too, I laugh and give him cup of strong coffee.

- Since when have you been morning person? He asks and drinks the whole cup.

- I don't know, I just slept well, I explain.

Rest of the day went normal. At fivteen past ten Sav came from storage smile ten miles wide. I guess Joe managed to finally ask him. At two o'clock I packed my stuff and headed to home.

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