Six~Looking for help

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Riley and Bailey were both tied to uncomfortable looking chairs. They were trying to scream, but cello tape was over their mouths. Then two people stepped out. Two people they knew all too good and well.


"Hello ladies," Said Jake. "Now, we didn't mean to be rude by just taking you out of the car, but that Blair was very stupid. Just not noticing his keys falling out of his pocket. Then we, well Jake, snatched them." Ben said. "BLAIR ISNT STUPID!" Riley tried to say, but it was to hard to understand. "Now your boys will never find you, like Rapunzel, but you never get saved." Jake continued. "So, you date us! stay locked up forever." Ben said, taking of the tape so they could answer. "NEVER EVER!" They yelled at the same time. "Wellll, have a fun life tied up." He said, putting the tape back on. Bailey moaned. They were trapped.

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