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"Any luck?" Asked Brooklyn and Rye. "Nope," Said Mikey and Milly. "Nah, sorry mate." Said Dylan and Andy. Brooklyn looked over at Jack and Aimee hopefully. They sadly shook their heads. "Great!" Said Harvey. "We have completely lost them!" 


"So, girls, you changed your minds yet?" They nodded. "We will date you, just please let us go!" Riley said, taking the cellotape off. "Yes, but you are staying here." Ben said. "Ok! We will, just let us move," Bailey said. "Fine." Jake untied them. "Thank you," Riley said politely. "Your using manners to someone who practically just kidnapped you," Bailey whispered. "Well you need to be nice!" Riley said. "Thanks," Bailey groaned. They stood up. "Lets get lunch," Said the boys, taking their hands. "Okay." They both moaned. They just wanted to go home.

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