Chapter 1

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And here's the endgame. The story my HoO: Civil War story was building up to. If you haven't read that I suggest you do. It's only six chapters. Until next time though.

    Three years since Percy had been branded a traitor. Three years since Percy had escaped to Alaska. Three years since Percy's mom had died. He had just turned twenty-one years old and Percy was staring at the place he had cast her ashes what seemed like so long ago.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, mom. I wish you were here because I need your help."
Percy closed his eyes and wiped away a tear. He then turned away from the sea and began down the trail. It took thirty minutes to get down to his car. Starting the car he turned towards his house. It took about an hour to get there. Annabeth was already cooking dinner when he got there.
"I love you! You're beautiful!" Percy exclaimed. Annabeth smiled and handed him a plate as she gave him a kiss.
"I know," she said. Percy grabbed a fork and sat down at the couch.
"How'd it go?" Annabeth asked. Percy remained silent and stared at the wall. Annabeth sighed,
"I guessed so."
Sitting down next to him she curled up into him. Percy smiled and lightly kissed her forehead.

    Three years ago Percy was declared a traitor of the gods. Beings he had worked for years to protect. Percy imagined Zeus had cursed him to live a horrible life. Three years later Percy was living in a house with a steady income, a beautiful fiancé, and was one year away from getting a bachelors degree. He was free. He could do whatever he wanted, and the gods couldn't do anything about it.

    "Percy!" Annabeth yelled from across the house.
"Yeah?" Percy replied.
"Get the phone please."
Percy grabbed the phone from his side of their bed. Answering it he groaned,
"Percy!" Nico yelled from the other side of the line.
"You remember that strange man at mine and Hazel's graduation?"
"Yeah, why?"
"He just showed up at our door, he said Olympus needs us."
Percy went completely silent as he processed the news.
"Did you find out who he is?" Percy asked.
"No, he just said that some strange man had appeared on Olympus a few hours before and that he required our help."
Percy closed his eyes and rubbed his temple.
"Percy, he sounded really desperate, Olympus might actually be in trouble."
Percy just hit the end call button and laid back down. He closed his eyes, but he couldn't go to sleep. He remembered Leo, Piper, Frank, Clarisse, and many more who hadn't hurt him, they were following their orders. Shaking his head, he closed his eyes.
"Not something to worry about right now."

    Poseidon closed his eyes and groaned as he looked around at all the Olympians.
"What are we going to do?" he asked. Athena shrugged,
"The only thing we can do, we have to fight him," she said.
"How? We can't beat him." Aphrodite said dejectedly.
"We have to remain strong," Hestia said from the hearth, but even that sounded half-hearted. Zeus growled and looked at everyone.
"Artemis, bring all the hunters here, also get Thalia, we'll need all the help we can get. Dionysus, Chiron, rally the campers. Athena, prepare Olympus's defenses. Hephaestus, ready our weapons. Poseidon, rally your men. Ares, rally Olympus' armies."
Everyone he addressed nodded except Poseidon.
"Brother," he said, "if you said we need all the help we can get-"
Zeus held up a hand, and a bolt of lightning flashed.
"No! He's a traitor!"
"Isn't Thalia?"
Zeus gave him a death glare. Poseidon glared right back.
"Percy is the most powerful demigod on this planet, look he may not be much against Chaos, but he will be an amazing help!" Poseidon said.
"He is a traitor of Olympus; he swore death on my son!" Zeus yelled back.
"Are you forgetting that Jason killed his mother!"
"He's an enemy of Olympus! He should have surrendered himself, then Jason wouldn't have been forced to those extremes."
"Because he wouldn't swear an oath? He served us for years and saved us time and time again! Do you think he would betray us?"
Zeus remained silent.
"You just wanted more power, didn't you? You knew he wouldn't betray us. You just wanted to say you could make Percy Jackson, my son, do whatever you want. When he didn't take the oath, you panicked. You declared him a traitor."
Zeus growled and turned away.
"This meeting is dismissed!" Zeus roared. Poseidon glared at him before sighing and disappearing in a flash of green light.
Zeus turns back to the council.
"Hermes, last we checked Perseus Jackson was heading to Alaska, correct?" he asked. Hermes nodded.
"Go find him; I don't care how long it takes."
Hermes nodded and disappeared.
"Father," Athena said, "why are you doing this?"
"You know as well as I do that we stand no chance against Chaos. If Perseus is truly that powerful he could be a great asset."
"Father, he hates us."
"Maybe, but I hope that he can be convinced to come back."
"Father, you know as well as I do that won't happen. You broke Perseus' fatal flaw that day. We know that once you break a fatal flaw, you're not able to repair it."
"He may hate Jason and me, but I hope he'll come back for his other friends."
"I hope you know what may sway him."
"Yes, but you know we can't reverse death."
Athena sighed and disappeared. With that the last of the gods disappeared, leaving Zeus to his thoughts.
"I'm sorry Perseus, I was wrong."

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