Chapter 5

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Percy easily dispatched the Minotaur. Destroyer easily cut through the Mintotaur's body, and Percy cut off the horn opposite of the one he already had. Percy then turned to look at all the monsters closing in on him. The ax head on Destroyer glowed, and the air around Percy started to condense into ice. Ice spikes formed around Percy, and Percy flicked his wrist. The spikes cut through dozens of monsters, and Percy grinned. Percy looked at Thalia and Nico.
"Help the campers, and I'll close the portal. The Minotaur was their general. The leader of the siege is probably around here. Don't take chances, as soon as you find him contact me."
They both nodded, and rushed into the battle. Percy turned his attention toward the portal. A fluctuating piece of darkness that lead into Tartarus. Percy held up Destroyer, which glowed more the closer it got to the rip on the world. A green tendril extended from the head of Destroyer, as a tendril of darkness extended from the portal. They met in between the ax and portal, and Percy felt the assault on his mind. Percy felt the pit trying to break him, trying to wear down his mental defenses. Percy felt the unimaginable power he felt when confronted by Tartarus, the Primordial, only a hundred times stronger. If this had been only a few hours earlier Percy would have broken, but Destroyer amped his mental defenses, and Percy withstood the mental assault.
"Submit," a voice echoed in Percy's mind. Percy pushed back and growled,
The battle between the two powers continued for what seemed like eternity. With each assault Tartarus laid on Percy's mind, Percy led an equally devastating assault. Tartarus finally decided that this was more trouble than Chaos was worth, and withdrew. The tear in the fabric of reality flickered, and vanished. A roar of victory erupted from the camp, and Percy turned toward the remaining monsters. With a roar, Percy threw Destroyer which cut through dozens of monsters. The campers would be able to easily dispatch the rest. Percy recalled Destroyer which flew into his open palm, Destroyer glowed green and shrank into a bracelet around Percy's wrist. Annabeth ran up to him, and Percy grabbed her. Percy spun her around before placing her back onto the ground, and pulled her into a kiss.

"Alright Percy, where did you get the sweet ass ax?" Carter asked. Percy smiled and slowly swung Destoyer back and forth.
"Forged it in the forge under Yellowstone with Hephaestus. Boiling lava fell on me, and I almost died but the ax healed me. Also her name is Destroyer."
"Yeah, she's a she."
"Yeah, Destoyer is such a ladylike name," Alex chirped.
"Shut up Fierro," Percy said. Magnus punched Percy in the arm.
"Don't tell my girlfriend to shut up!" Magnus demanded.
"Shut up Maggie," Alex said, "I can fight my own battles."
"You said you would stop calling me that," Magnus whined, "see Percy? This is what you started with that nickname."
Percy smiled and patted Magnus on the shoulder. Sadie chimed in,
"Alright I'm confused. First, are you two," she pointed to Magnus and Alex," magicians, Greek demigods, or Norse demigods?"
"Norse demigods," they both said. Sadie nodded,
"I see, and what is the relationship between you," she pointed at Magnus, "and Annabeth?"
"We're cousins," Annabeth said.
"Alright, I'm satisfied. You two ladies can go back to your cat fight."
"Look, I'm happy you guys get to reunite now, but there is a massive elephant in the room," Nico said.
"Like?" Thalia replied.
"Oh I don't know, maybe that the leader of the siege against camp is the Lord of the frickin Titans, and how he's tied up ten feet in front of us?"
"Nah, that's not it."
"Oh shut up!"
Percy tightened his grip on Destroyer.
"Alright, let's start the interrogation," he said. Percy stepped forward towards Kronos.

"Alright Kronos, tell me Chaos' plan."
Kronos growled and spit towards Percy. The spitball stopped an inch from Percy's face, and evaporated into the air.
"Yeah, that was a long shot."
Percy was suddenly in front of Kronos.
"Alright you bastard, you see this ax?" Percy asked. Kronos remained silent glaring at Percy. Percy put the ax against Kronos' throat.
"This ax is a weapon made from the metals of all the pantheons, and it was forged specifically to kill Chaos. I don't think it'll have a problem cutting through the neck of a little bitch like you. Do not underestimate me Kronos. My power has grown leagues beyond what it was when we fought. Without my ax I could match you. With my ax, well it's not called Destroyer because it's made of sunshine and rainbows. So I ask you one last time Titan, do you see this ax!"
Kronos growled before nodding slightly.
"Now, you are going to give me the entire battle plan of Chaos. What is his power? How strong is his army? How many forces does he have? You will tell me everything about Chaos, and if you don't do it willingly, I have ways to make you."
Kronos growled and spit into Percy's face again, but it was met with the same fate as before as it evaporated into the air.
"You cannot understand the power Chaos posses Jackson!" Kronos said. "He has plans that have shaped your entire life. His allies hold unimaginable power. Chaos will regain his full power. He already has his raw power and his power over space. He only requires reality, soul, time, and mind, and then he can finish his mission. You will lose Jackson, and when you do I will be there laughing."
Percy placed Destoyer on Kronos' chest and placed a little pressure on it. The blade cut through the skin of the Titan like a knife through butter. The skin around the wound started to steam, and Kronos let out a scream of pain that shook all of Long Island.
"Don't worry Titan," Percy said, "I'm keeping Chaos' mind power safe. You're not getting his hands on it, his lackeys aren't getting their hands on it, and Chaos most definitely isn't getting his hands on it. Now, I'll ask one more time before I chop off your head. What is his plan?"
Percy's eyes glowed yellow, and Kronos' eyes glowed the same color. Kronos spilled everything Chaos was planning, and Annabeth took notes. After Kronos was done Percy glanced at Annabeth.
"Got all that?" Percy asked. Annnabeth nodded. Percy took Destroyer, and with a swift swipe, sent Kronos' head flying.

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