Chapter 26

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We all had gotten the most sleep we could that mourning, Saturday mourning being what everyone was waiting for the most in apprehension. I had gone downstairs to the kitchen to make myself a quick breakfast, while I was talking with our friends on the group chat, telling each other what we were doing at that moment. After I was done eating, I went down to the gun range to continue my practice. I was familiarized with the setting of the room with its bright ceiling lights and its aisles of targets, some pulled up to face the shooter and some still in the back. In the third aisle down, Jake was there. His noise-blocking headphones over his head with his safety glasses made him look even more professional then he actually was. He seemed pretty focused on what he was already doing so I didn't bother interrupting him. I just went and got myself a pistol, some bullets, and our safety equipment, and made my way to my own aisle. I think he noticed I was there, he just didn't bother to say anything and we continued doing our own thing. It wasn't until a little while later when we both took a break we actually had a full conversation with each other. We ended up just going over how we were going to do the attack and what equipment we were going to need for it.

By the time evening reached us, Jake and the others were making sure the last touches were put in place. Mason was out and about talking to his men about making sure people were in position in all the needed places and that the cars were ready. Katheryn had gotten me a dress to wear to the club tonight, it was a solid black fitted dress. It had long sleeves and the length of the dress stopped in the middle of my thighs. There was a large cut-out in the bach that tied up with a thin piece of the dresses fabric into a bow. The dress was a bit short for my liking, showing off all of my curves and strong figure. Jake wasn't impressed with what I was wearing, saying I was showing off too much skin for his liking and that I was going to be surrounded by guys all the time. But I reassured him that I would be fine and that he wouldn't need to worry so much about me. He didn't say much after that. I had gotten a small black clutch purse to go with the dress. It was leather with a metallic gold rim and a small gold chain for a strap. Me, Jake, Mason and Harold had all gotten into a black SUV and made our way to the club. Harold had some men follow close behind us until we were at the club, then they were supposed to surround the building in the shadows to not be noticed.

"What's the club called?" Jake asked Harold who was in the driver's seat.

"The club that we're going to is called The Imperium. It's one of the many The Black Thorns have around the city, but it's the most popular one there so hopefully, Iris will be able to interact with some of the members there." He replied, looking back at me and Jake. I took a deep breath in the hopes to calm me down, I was staring out my window until I felt a warm hand fold into mine. I turned around to my right and met Jakes warm sky-like eyes with his comforting smile. I wrapped my fingers around his hand in return and continued to look out my window to my left with a plastered smile on my face. By the time we arrived at the club, it was almost pitch black but still clear as day with all the bright lights from the outside of the club.

"I'm going to send you a picture of the leader of The Black Thorns, Iris. It will hopefully make it easier for you to identify him," Mason said, eyes glued to his phone screen. "We will also give you a microphone and an earpiece to keep with you at all times."

I took the microphone and clipped it to my purse, blending in with the black exterior and placed the earpiece securely in my ear. I then took a deep breath and stepped out of the car and into the stone streets. It was wet out on the streets, showing the bright lights reflecting off the puddles and wet ground. The air was cool and crisp to the feeling, it was a summer night with the feeling of energy and excitement escaping through the club doors. I confidently walked my way to the front doors and entered the club.

I didn't think this was going to be my experience for my first time going to a club, but the experience was first made of being welcomed into a very large room with a dance floor on one side, tables in the corner, and a bar on the opposite side. I calmly made my way towards the bar, swiftly making my way around people who were standing in place. Once I reached the bar, I sat down at one of the stools and placed my black clutch on my lap.

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