Chapter 34

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It's been five years since that battle. The battle that took Mason's life and almost Jake's. I had killed Thane that night as well as many of his men, Richard and Harold had killed Thane's father Eric and Roman had killed Cees, Thane's older brother. We wanted to make sure that there wouldn't be anyone left to take over or pursue The Grey Wolves as best as we could so they wouldn't be a future problem, and so far they haven't. I knew that there was Eric's wife somewhere out there and I believe that Thane might have had a younger sister as well, but we had no idea where they were and haven't heard anything about them. We haven't had anything like that battle in a long time, nothing even coming close to it. They've had to take down some smaller gangs close by which didn't cause much effect in the end, but I wouldn't know what they do every day.

The Mafia and The Black Thorns have continued working together in an alliance, realizing how much of a benefit it is working together rather than apart. I'm grateful that they listened to me about making an alliance in the first place because if they didn't, then none of this would have happened. Sometimes sacrifices have to happen in order to make a happier ending, but in the end, sometimes it still doesn't make things better. From hearing things from Amelia, things seem to be going well with them working together. They're able to get more equipment and weapons, work together to take other gangs out, I just couldn't imagine if things went the opposite way and they never joined together, I don't think Jake and I would be together today if that happened.

Me and Jake had left home the year after we finished high school to go to university together. Even though money would never be an issue for us, we purchased an apartment close to the campus of the university. If people knew where we came from then they would have expected us to live in something more grand and luxurious, but we didn't want that. We wanted something nice but not bold, original but not the same as everything else around here, and we liked it. I was majoring in criminology and forensic science, figuring that I might end up needing it with the family I have, it also was a passion of mine to go into the sciences. Jake had gone into the business program to become an entrepreneur. I wasn't too surprised that he chose that field of business since it was still undetermined if he would take over from his father as leader of the Mafia, but it was better to be prepared if anything were to change at short notice. Jake and I have been together for a while now, we made each other officially boyfriend and girlfriend in the last year of high school, making it known to everyone. All of my close friends were really supportive of it, but we haven't seen each other in a while since we all went our own ways after high school, but we still keep in contact with each other the best we can.

Me and Jake usually go home once the holidays arrive and meet with both of our families. They usually ask us when we think we'll be back again and about us working with the Mafia and The Black Thorns once again. We've been telling them that school is the most important things for us at the moment and that we were going to stick with it until we were done. They then would ask how we are doing living together and if we were ever thinking of escalating our relationship together. But the truth was, we liked how things are now and weren't in a rush to change it. We were never sure if Roman was ever going to let a woman into his life with the job he does, I think he just thinks love as something making him vulnerable and weak, but in reality, it could make him just as strong, even stronger than he is now. Sometimes I think of what would happen if me and Jake got married, even had kids, and I wondered how that would go with having a heir to take over the Mafia and The Black Thorns. What if maybe we had a boy and a girl, maybe have the boy to take over the Mafia and the girl take over The Black Thorns? It wasn't always heard of for a female to take over a gang, but I liked breaking the rules sometimes. I guess that's something I'll have to wait for the future to give me.

The break of Reading Week had finally arrived and me and Jake were on our way back home to East Side Corals to see both of our families. Sometimes I thought of us as one big family with all the stuff we've been through together, all the pain and grief we've experienced that has brought us through the toughest of times. It wasn't until around an hour later when me and Jake had arrived at his parent's house since everyone was supposed to meet up there. Just before we left for university, Jake and I had gotten each other our own cars. I had gotten Jake the W Motors Lykan Hypersport costing a whole 3.4 million dollars, with Jake getting me a Ferrari Aperta costing him 2.2 million dollars. We had worked for our parents for a while during the year and a half before leaving for university, saving up our money for our future together. We had driven home in our own vehicles since we weren't sure how long we were going to stay there. Once we had parked in the Moretti's large driveway, Jake and I had gotten out luggage from our cars and walked hand in hand to the front door and opened it away from us.

"Elisa and Jake are here!" A voice said excitingly from the kitchen and out came Katheryn from the kitchen doors. She rushed out followed by both of our parents and Roman and gave both of us a tight hug. Roman had taken both of our bags and set them aside on the stairwell.

"How are you two?" Amelia asked with a big smile. We both looked at each other, hands still locked in place.

"We're good, really good," I said with a smile, eyes hooked to Jake's. He smiled as we both agreed on how we were.

"Well, come on our two lovebirds, dinner isn't going to wait forever," Katheryn said, waving for us to follow her.

Roman had brought our stuff to our room before joining us for dinner, to a table full of great smelling food. Once we had all sat down and gotten each other some food of the large variety that was there, people started asking how our school was going and how much longer we were planning on staying there. Our answer was almost the same every time, that we were going to stay there for as long as we needed until all of our studies were done.

"I have some news for you two," Harold said, rising up from his seat. "I will be retiring from being the leader of the Mafia."

"That means that you would be putting Jake next in charge then," I said, my eyes looking from Harold to Jake.

"We've been over this, I'm not going to be the leader of the Mafia until I've done everything I need to for school, and that is that. You can easily get your right-hand man to take charge until I do if you want to leave now," Jake said in response.

"If that's what you really want, then I guess I can find someone else to take the position until you believe you're ready," Harold said in a disappointed voice. He then went on to say that he had a friend who could get us some jobs that would go with what we're doing in school if we both decided to not pursue working with the Mafia and The Black Thorns. And I think that's what we both wanted at the moment, just some more normal lives rather than those of our parents. We then continued talking as we ate dinner of how things were going here and how everyone was doing. It wasn't until I got an unknown number phone call when I stopped in mid-conversation with everyone else.

"Is everything okay, Elisa?" Jake asked with a worried look.

"What should I do with this?" I asked him, showing him the phone screen. Having an unknown number for us was never a good thing.

"Answer it, but put it on speaker phone so we can all hear it,"

And I did just so. I took a deep breath, answered it and laid it flat on the table. It wasn't until a few silent seconds later when a deep voice came out of the phone speaker.

"Elisa, it's been a long time, too long. It's exciting to finally be able to talk to you again after what, five years now?"

"Thane," I replied in a harsh voice.

"Oh good, you do remember my voice. Now hear this, I'm coming for you. You and everyone else you care about will be dead before you even know it. Watch out, because you're next."

And that was it. That was the unknown phone call. I hung up and turned off the phone and took a look at Jake who nodded his head in agreement. I then turned to Harold right in front of me.

"We're joining."

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