I'm Home!

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She's Adorable, She's Smart, She's Short, She's Everything A Guy Could Want, She's Moonlight, She's Shines Everywhere.

5:21 A.m., In The Middle Of The Night I Get Home, Well Not My House, But My Best Friend, Anthony's House. His Parents Died In A Terrorist Attack In Cali, So It's Just...his Little Sister And Him And now, me.

I Walk-Up The Stairs, With Some Small Creaks In some of them. I pass By Moonlight's Room, tempted to look in there, but I keep walking to the spare room, Anthony said I could sleep in. When I Walk in I see a Double bed and a desk and a computer and a desk chair, the room is football-themed. Suddenly I hear footsteps approaching, I suspect It's not Anthony, He Had some unfinished business, Back In L.A... When I try not to think about it, The Door Opens. it's Moonlight. She's in her panties and A white Long-sleeve crop top. I get hard instantly, Trying not to let her notice.

"Um...Hey Moonlight, Long Time, No See." I said quietly with a faint chuckle. "Hi...Jason." She said in her soft voice. "are you okay, Moon?" I said While Eyeing Her Up And Down, She's So Beautiful. "I'm Scared..." She puts her hands in between her legs and Squeezes. "Oh, What's Wrong?" I Start Walking over to her and caress Her Skin, she Looks at me, then looks down. "Can You Lay With Me?"  she ignores my question, She Bites Her Nail, and I Start Scratching The back of my head, thinking: should I say yes or no?. She looks at me and at that moment I knew.

The next thing I know I'm in Moonlight's room, In her bed. "Jason?" she's facing away from me, she turns around quickly and quietly. "If You don't wanna lay with me that's fine." She lightly smiles. "No, It's Fine Kid," I said while ruffling Her soft hair.  A Few Moments Later, I drift off to sleep but I wake up, not to the morning light, but to Moonlight Starting to cry, I flip her over And I Put her on top of me, she's light and easy to move When She's on top of me, each leg is on each side of me, leaving in between her legs, right on my dick. "Um, moonlight." I give a fake faint laugh. "Yes...Jason?" she said picking her head up and looking at me. "Your...How do I put this?... Y-your laying, right on my- uh my- " I gave her an awkward smile. I try to move but when I do she moves, and I start getting hard this time, she feels it, she sits up still sitting on me, and raises one eyebrow. "You're Giving Me A Boner," I said whispering in her ear. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she said panicking A little while getting off of me, She faces me like before she got on me, something inside of me makes all the gears turn, I start to caress her skin,  and I lean in for a kiss and surprisingly I get one back.


(someone is gonna find this and ima crying)

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