Ch5. If you love me, let me go

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"What do you mean the truth?" Barry questioned. The blond sat there, twiddling his thumbs in his lap. "I'll start from the beginning. The real one."

Barry leaned closer, intrigued. He was extremely confused. "I'll start by introducing myself." Julian stood and held out his hand. "Hi, my names Draco Malfoy." Barry awkwardly shook his hand, frowning. He sat down again. "I come from Britain and I attended Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry. I'm a pure blood wizard and the last of the Malfoys." He could see Barry was finding this hard to process but continued anyway. "While attending Hogwarts, there was a war. I was on the bad side and the boy I loved, Harry Potter, was on the good. I lied to you by saying I was in a gang, well technically I was. I said I saved Harry by throwing him a gun when actually I threw him a wand." He waited a minute for the Speedster to keep up, ironically. Barry frowned, tears began to form in his eyes. "What do I call you then? Julian or Draco?  I don't even know who you are anymore. Why have you been lying all this time?" Barry sobbed.
"You're more concerned about my name than the other information I just gave you. Do you not care I'm a wizard? I'm more dangerous then a meta. what would you do if I turned on you? You don't know what I'm capable of. " He shouted.
"No. No I don't. But I do know you won't turn on me. Just please, I don't know what to call you." Barry cried harder. The blond signed. He didn't mean to yell or threaten.
"What's the name on my desk in the lab?"
"J-Julian?" The man had stood up and walked around the table to stand in front of Barry. Julian kneeled down and placed his hands on Barry's shoulders. "Please don't cry. I didn't mean to get angry at you. See, that must be proof I'm still Julian Albert, the obnoxious bastard from CCPD." He laughed a little in attempt to cheer up the brunette. A smile appeared on Barry's face. "Can I continue?" Barry nodded in reply. "The boy I was supposed to kill was Harry's godson, Teddy. The boy I accidentally killed was Teddy's best friend, Petrus. It was Harry who made me leave England. He pushed me away and it's all my fault. Since you revealed yourself as the flash to me, I've wanted to tell you who I truly am. The thing is... Now that you know who I am, who I was, I don't want to be Draco Malfoy anymore." Barry smiled. He pulled Julian into an embrace and whispered in his ear. "Be my Julian then."
If only Barry had let him finish explaining, Julian wouldn't have to find another way to tell him the real reason why they can't be together, the reason Draco couldn't be with Harry. The regrettable deal that's keeping him alive.


Barry rested his head on Julian's chest. The steady heartbeat lullabied him to sleep. Julian lay there, stroking the brunette's hair fondly. It was soft like a kitten's fur. He sighed. How was he going to tell him? He couldn't just say to him 'oh hi Barry. We can't be together because I'll die if we are.' This was frustrating. He really liked Barry. He felt safe around him. But he can't stand the thought of him being heartbroken. Enough running. He deserved to happy as well. He literally died to make the one he loved happy. Julian looked down at the sleeping man on his chest, soon to be damaged again. Barry had also lost loved ones. His family, friends. He had been orphaned too. Julian didn't want to leave him but it was the only way he could protect him. If his father came back, the coldhearted monster would kill everyone he thought prevented his family tree growing. A single tear ran down Julian's face as he carefully lifted Barry off of him. He got dressed into his hoodie and some tracksuit trousers and packed a small bag. He leaned down and planted a kiss on Barry's forehead. "I'm sorry. I'll make things right. Promise." The blond whispered. He wrote a quick letter and placed it on the table. Leaving someone was now a cursed habitat of Julian's. He closed the the front door and disappeared into the night.


"Morning Ju." Barry slurred. He rolled over to face his new lover to find no one there. 'Maybe he's in the kitchen'. He wondered into the kitchen but still nobody was there. "Julian?" He shouted. The shower wasn't running and the bathroom door was open. He noticed Julian's phone was gone so he must have went out early this morning. The speedster frowned and walked over to the sofa. That's when he seen the folded piece of paper on the table. Barry picked it up and read.


I'm sorry but this had to be done sooner or later. I decided to do it now because I thought it would be easier but the truth is, it's not. I didn't tell you everything either. The thing is, I died. It was to save Teddy. It worked but I was still dead and couldn't be with Harry. So I found my deceased father and we made a deal. He told me how to get back to them, in return I promised to continue the family line, purely. That meant I couldn't be with Harry. I would have to be with a pure blood witch or it wouldn't count. This is why I've ran away. We can't be together. I'm going back to England. I'm going to make things right and for once in my life not mess up. I'm so, so, entirely, eternally sorry for this. I would have loved to have spent the rest of my life by your side.

Julian Albert x

Teardrops blemished the letter. Barry fell heavily to his knees. He held the paper against his chest tightly and rocked himself back and forth, crying. For a moment or two you would have thought he'd given up. "Wait! I might still have time." He gasped before shooting out of the apartment, with one question running through his head. 'Am I fast enough to stop him?'


"There must be a misunderstanding. I'm supposed to be boarding at 8:45AM." The blond screamed at the flight attendant. She gave a weak smile and looked down at her computer. "Sir, it says that it's been delayed. There is nothing I can do." She gave him a stern look and watched him walk away as he cursed under his breath. He slumped down on one of the benches and focused his attention on the planes taking off and landing, on the other side of the window he looked out of. 'I can't believe this. I try and do the right thing and then the bloody transport gets delayed. I don't know why I can't just...' He instantly froze. 'Apparate.' He had almost forgotten he could do that. A tiny smile tugged at his lips. 'Apparate. I don't need a plane. Thats for muggles...Muggles. How could I have already forgotten who I am? I'm one of the most wealthy pureblood families there is...was, I was. Now I'm just a ex-DeathEater bachelor on the ministry's hit list. Merlin, what's wrong with me?' Julian tilted his head back and masked his flushed face with his hands. when he uncovered his eyes, he saw a tear-stained  brunette standing in front of him. He immediately covered them again. "Did you seriously let me to wake up to a letter saying you're leaving the country? No warning, no goodbyes, just get up and leave. Is that what you're doing?" Julian tried to ignore Barry the best he could. He didn't want it to end like this. He stood from his set and hastily walked away. Barry grabbed his arm tightly, making Julian yelp. "Don't you dare. I'm not just another one of your dead corpses. Look at me!" Julian gulped at the harshness in Barry's hurt tone. He ignored him again. The blond tugged away, freeing himself from the firm grip. This time Julian didn't walk away, he began to run, regardless of where he was, he just didn't want to face Barry. "Julian Albert!" Barry shouted after him. "Please. Marry me!" The intoxicating words echoed through Julian's head. He stopped. Turned around. And fell heavily to his knees. He'd broke completely. Barry hastened over to the wreck on the airport floor. He cradled the blond in his arms hushing his sobs. "I have to do this Barry. You need to let me do this. A lot of innocent people will die, unless you let me do this. I can't marry you. I can't even if I wanted to. I don't want more blood on my hands." Julian tried and tried to escape Barry's embrace but failed miserably. "Barry please. I'm begging you. Let me go! If you love me...let me go!" The pressure around Julian's torso disappeared. He stared at Barry. The light in his eyes drained and became a dead-like colour. Barry coldly scowled at him.

"Then go."

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