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The meet and greet, at Le George's was completely packed when Julianna arrived at 11. People were wrapped around the whole entire building and everyone was happier than could be. Believe it or not, there were a lot of Julianna Hyland fans in Paris. She was one model that had the most fans, a diverse amount exactly and they were all over the world.

Like the crowds usually did, they screamed as loud as they could when Julianna got out of the car. Some cried and others screamed but they all snapped pictures and videos of the beautiful model.

She was taken back at how many people were actually there. She only thought there would be 50 or so but in reality, 150 showed up.

Julianna spent a while with everyone, taking pictures, signing things or taking videos so the people could flaunt in front of their friends.

This was her favorite thing to do—meeting fans. She loved the support of everyone and never forgot about the special fans she meets. Actually, she remembers a lot of the fans that she meets. She tries her best to meet as many people as she can and that's why she always has meet and greets when she travels. And because she loves it so much, it never annoys her.

It was 1:30 when she said goodbye to everyone and was now on her way back to her hotel. In about an hour or so, Harry and Niall would be on their way to meet her. And all three of them were nervous as hell.

"Harry!" Niall yelled as he paced his and Harry's hotel room. Harry was in the shower and Niall could not stop talking about meeting Julianna.

Harry groaned. "Niall," He said as he ripped open the bathroom. "If you don't shut up, we won't go."

Niall's eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously. "You wouldn't!"

"Oh but I would."

Eventually, when Niall shut up, they left their hotel and made their way to Julianna's hotel. She had messaged Harry earlier to tell him the information and she now sat on the couch, looking out the window.

To say she was nervous was an understatement, she had always loved Harry as well as the friendship Harry and Niall had. And now she was meeting the two of them.

There was a knock at her hotel door and she took a deep breathe before walking over to it and opening it. Harry wore a white t shirt and Niall in a grey jumper.

"Hey!" Julianna smiled, opening the door wider for them to come in.

They all sat down for a while, talking and getting to know each other. Niall sat in awe as Julianna talked about her next modeling gig. Harry could tell how Niall was feeling and he seconded that. He already felt something for her, there were butterflies in the pit of his stomach every time she looked at him.

Julianna was drawn to Harry, from his eyes to his lips and to his tattoos that littered his arms. She knew he had more but they were covered by his t shirt, only showing the ones on his arms. She couldn't explain exactly how she felt—she was speechless to be honest.

Harry told her a lot about his upcoming concerts and such—what it was like to be on tour. Julianna knew how that was but obviously it was different. But their careers were somewhat the same—both had incredible fandoms and their fans were all kind of the same. Their fans wanted nothing but the best for their idols and the two loved that about them.

"You should come to the concert," Harry said to Julianna. In her mind she was screaming of happiness but her face and emotion on the outside was calm and collective. Of course she agreed and they made plans for the concert tomorrow night. Niall would pick her up a couple hours before and they would meet him backstage to then have a seat in the front row.

After about two hours of hanging out and talking Harry checked the time on his phone. "Shit, I have sound check in 20 minutes." He got up quickly and grabbed his jacket off the chair. "It was absolutely amazing meeting you Juls but we really have to go. I'll text you and see you tomorrow!" They said their goodbyes and were out the door.

The whole way to sound check Harry and Niall went on and on about Julianna. And of course Julianna was calling her friends right when she shut the door.

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