Authors Note

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Hey guys

I promise after this chapter the actual story will begin.

"If you don't like someone's story, write your own. If you don't like what somebody says, say what it is you don't like" ~ Chinua Achebe

The quote above is the main reason I decided to write this book, personally, I think that there are many great books to read on Wattpad and if you ever need any recommendations hit me up cause I literally wrote down all the books I've read.

Back to the point, sometimes I would come across a book where the female character is weak and is very dependant on the male throughout the entire book. In my opinion, I found that these books weren't for me like of course I finished reading them I mean any book with a good, solid plot is my kind of book. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with these types of books.

Another thing that I don't like is books where the main characters fall in love in two weeks or whatever, it's too fast for me and I don't believe that it's possible. 

I am not trashing OTHER books I promise. I probably still read them anyway but as the quote above says I'm writing a book that I would want to read.

If you are looking for a book with a weak female character who falls in love within two weeks then this book isn't for you.

If you are looking for a book with a strong female character who puts her health and safety first then this book is for you.

Also I'm not saying that Alissa won't be weak at some points cause let's be real (as real as it can be considering it's a mafia book) here everyone has their breaking point.

I really appreciate you checking this book out and giving it a chance. If you continue to read hold on to your seats cause this book should hopefully be a bit of a rollercoaster

Thank you

~ Z

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