Why cant it always be like this?

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Flashback: 4 months before

Stan (Toolshed's POV)
"Come in Mask we've gotta stop Chaos from trying to invade the universe...again." I say to my younger sister (by 2 minutes 30 seconds). She giggled.
"Guys it's over he surrended after Call Girl pulled out her selfie stick."Mysterion appeared from the shadows
I laughed and thought;"That's my girl."
"Toolshed go home, I need to talk to Mask."
"Um....Okay." I walked by Mysterion and whispered; "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
He blushed. "Shut up."

Your POV
"Oh no....What've I done this time Mysterion?" I asked,anxious to hear the answer.
"Nothing....I just wanted to ask you something."
"Come with me." He grabbed my wrist and led me to a rooftop, it wasn't a pretty site considering we were in South Park.
After 2 minutes of awkward silence, Mysterion spoke up; "Will you go out with me?"

Mysterion's POV
"Will you go out with me?" She was gobsmacked.
"I'm sorry! It's just every time I look at you I feel this tingly feel in the pit of my stomach and my heart aches,it feels so much love."
She smiled, cupped my face, lifted up my mouth part of my mask and kissed me.
"Yes." Then she got up and faded into the darkness.She kissed me.

???'s POV
"She thinks she can get away from me that fast? She's wrong. Just you wait Y/N you'll be lured into my Coon trap....

The next day-
I'm staring at Heidi Turner, one of my best friends make kissy faces at Cartman. Dirty rat bastard. I can't tell her though. I can't let the people i care about the most get hurt. Then i see Kenny Mccormick, the boy I've crushed in since Preschool, the boy who confessed to me last night, the boy I kissed. Oh shit he's staring at me. Oh god he's coming over. Act cool. Act cool.
"Hey Y/N/N."
"Do you wanna....go somewhere else....to you know?" My cheeks heat up.
"PERVERT!" I grab my textbook and wacked it on his head, playfully though.
Sometimes, I wonder to myself;
Why can't it always be like this?
Happy, not worrying, you know normal; whatever that is.

Stan's POV:
I see Y/N and Kenny. I ship it. So hard. I go back to making out with Wendy.

Kenny's POV:
She's so cute...

Later: After School: Still Kenny's POV
Ugh my parents are so annoying, they can't go get real jobs so that they can provide for their children. They say we don't have any money but it's funny how they always have money for drugs and alcohol. Maybe Mr Mackey (M'Kay) should come in and teach them a lesson or two. I'll text Y/N.


K: Hey ;)
Y: Wut?
K: I'm bored come and chill at my place if you know what I mean ;)
K: pwease?
Y: Ugh fine- I'll be there in 10
K- Cool.

Hey guys! Hi, I'm just wondering how you're liking this story; I know it's based on a very serious topic but I still want to know how I can improve this story. So comment on any chapter to tell me your feedback and how I can Improve.

K see you guys! Byeeeee!

-Holly (AKAWritingGeekFreak) (AKA Your Author) (AKA Author-Chan)

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