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"Where is she?" he screams at my mother as I hide under the bed.


"Where is she?" he screams louder, cutting off my mother's sentence.

"Leave her out of this." she begs him, but all she gets in return is a slap in the face. Hard. I hear her scream, and fall back. My room is not far from the living room, so I always hear when this happens.

"Now, I'm going to ask you one more time, where is she?" he growls at her.

"I don't know, and you don't need to know." she spits. Of course, that just earns her another slap. Why can't she just tell him where I am? Then she would stop getting beaten, and he could just do what he does to me every time he comes home drunk.

"Then I'll find her myself." he states, and I hear his footsteps coming closer. My eyes screw shut, and my heart begins to race. Maybe he'll be nice and make it quicker than usual.

"Patrick, no! She is just a child! She is our child! Your daughter! She's all you have! Stop!" I appreciate my mother's desperate pleas for my sake, but I know, just as she does, that that won't stop him. I hear his footsteps go back into the living room, where my mother is.

"Shut up, you whore! If you would've been smart, and stayed on the pill, we wouldn't have to deal with that mess in the first place! She is nothing! I'm just giving her what she deserves." he states, like it's no big deal. But me, it slices through my heart with every word he says. Even though I hear it all the time, it doesn't make it any less easier to hear. Tears start to find their way to my eyes, but I force them back, knowing that if he sees me crying that just adds more pain.

'Crying is for normal people,' he says. 'and last I checked you weren't a person, you're a damn accident.'

"You are the saddest excuse of a man to ever to walk this-" my mother's words are caught off by her getting thrown to the ground and her probably being knocked out. again.

"Stupid, whiny, bitch." my father slurs. he walks his way to my room, and opens the door. The door creaks open, and he enters my room. I can see his muddy boots dirtying my floor. He always makes me clean up my floor after, or else there's another beating coming my way. The lights are off, except for the hall light escaping my room.

"Maddie! Maddie! Come out, come out, where ever you are! Wanna play?" he chants. His chants. My breathing stops, everything in me stops. He checks my closet, but I'm not there.

"Come on, Mads. I just wanna play with you!" he lies, again.

Then, he stops at my bed. My heart stops. He slowly bends down to under the cracks of the bed, and he eyes spot me. Those red, bloodshot eyes that have haunted my dreams since I was just a kid, spot me again. A wicked smile spreads across his face, as he takes his rough hands and pulls me out kicking and screaming, doing whatever I can to get away.

"Stop fighting, Mads!" he says. "We are just going to play a game!"

"You're lying! All you do is lie!" I scream.

"Stop calling me a liar, you damn thing! I provide you with a house, a bed, and food-"

"You hurt me! Daddies don't hurt their daughters! But you do!" I cut him off, my bravery begins to take over. I have never done this before, it's surprising.

"Shut up you slut! You're just like your mother! You ungrateful little bitc-" he is cut off by me kicking him in is private area, and he falls to the floor. I run. I run past my mother's unconscious body, and out the door. I run to the nearest house, and bang on the door. Someone answers.

"Hello? Is everything okay?" a woman answers. Then she spots my face, my bruised face, and let's me in.

"I need to call 911, now! My daddy is hurting my mother!" I scream, I need to hurry, before he comes to look for me. She nods, and runs to get me her phone. I make the call, and told them the address. Just as I sit down, a figure bursts through the front door.

My father.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere!" he acts.

"Sir, are you this girl's father?" the women asks, I think her name is Mrs. Young.

"Proud father." he continues with his charade, smiling.

"Sir, the police have been notified of your discretions. They are to be her any moment." she tells him. Oh no.

His smile fades, "What did you do?" he looks at me. When I don't answer, he comes over to me, and lifts me up by my shirt.

"What the fuck have you done you-"

"What I should've done a long time ago." I cut him off.

Then, as realization sets in his face, we hear sirens.

"No..." he whispers. He drops me, and takes off toward the door.

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