Chapter Five

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I woke up that night screaming. I sat up, with my head pounding and my heart beating fast. I hear a door slam and footing coming from the hallway. I look around to see that I wasn't in my room, and then I see that I'm not in a bed at all. I was on Seth's couch.

"Are you okay?" I hear a voice ask, I look up to see Kells standing in front of me in just plaid pajama pants, out of breath and half asleep, having a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine.." i lie, but he catches me. "You look like you're about to cry, though. What happened?"

"I just had a bad dream, Kells. It's nothing." I whisper. He still doesn't buy it, and takes a seat on the couch next to my feet. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"There's nothing to tell." he rolls his eyes, "Clearly."

"I'm serious," i say through clenched teeth.

"Fine, you don't have to tell me, but you still haven't completely gotten over it, because you are shaking..." he reaches over and takes my hand, wow I was shaking. I take my hand into my other hand, and try to calm down.

"You're sweating, too.." he leans over and wipes the sweat from my forehead, eyes on mine the whole time. My breath hitches when he touches me, and leans back after he was done.

"Really, I'm fine..." my voice shaky, which makes the situation worse.


I soon realize I was still in my dress and I was really uncomfortable. Kells notices. "Come see." he helps me up, and brings me into his room.

His room is a basic black, like mine. He has clothes in piles on his floor, band posters all over his walls, even a chest-of-drawers with a tv on top of it.

"Here, they most likely won't fit, but it's the best i have." he hands me a black Bring Me the Horizon hoodie, with gray sweatpants. I nod, go to change in the bathroom. Once I get in, I realize my zipper of my dress gets stuck. Pissed off, i walk back to Kells's door and knock.

"Can you.. help me zipper?" I'm clearly embarrassed. He chuckles, and unzips my dress. I get out of my devious dress, and finally get the alternate clothes on. I walk in the kitchen to see Kells mixing stuff in a bowl.

"What are you doing?" he shrugs his shoulders, "I'm hungry."

"So you're making pancakes.." i check the time, " 4 am?" he nods. I chuckle, "Make some with blueberries in the next batch." Kells walks over to the refrigerator and takes a box out, and dumps it into the mix, it being blueberries.

"You like blueberry pancakes?"

"They are my favorite, actually. I just didn't add any because I didn't know if you liked it." he shrugged his shoulders.

I walk over the mix, and stick my finger in the bowl, and put it some

of the mix into my mouth. Kells's mouth falls open.

"What?" i ask.

"You just ruined my mix!" he exclaims.

"What? All i did was taste a little mix!"

"So? What if you have herpes or some shit?" I laugh at his reaction, telling him you can't catch herpes with that. "Well you never know." he answers, and cracks a smile.

"You're such a girl!" i tell him.

"Why would you say that?" he asks.

"'You ruined my mix!'" i laugh, and he acts hurt. Suddenly, pancake mix is flying through the air, and hitting me in the face. I gasp in surprise, and Kells is cracking up. "You think this funny?" i growl. He nods, hunching over in his laughter. I get up, grab the bowl, and dump it all over him. "Hey!"

I'm hunched over in laughter, while Kells is still comprehending what happened.

"So not funny!" he exclaims, while I just laugh. Suddenly, I'm being pelted with blueberries.

"Stop!" I manage to say as I run around the kitchen, ducking and blocking my body from blueberries while we both laugh. He seizes fire, probably because he was too busy laughing. I take advantage of his slip up, and take the box from his hands, throwing the rest of the remaining blueberries at him while he begs for his life.

"Shit! I'm out!" Kells comes over to me, and wraps his arms around me, covering me more in pancake mix. I complain, but I just end up in the floor laughing. Kells lays down next to me, and we take one look at each other's faces, and just laugh. We laugh for what seems like forever, and then we just end up in silence looking at the ceiling.

"This is longest conversation I think I've ever had with you." I say to him, and he looks at me. He stares into my eyes, and pulls a strand of my hair behind my ear. "We need to finish our pancakes." and with that, he gets up, and goes fix us pancakes.

"These are so good!" I say to Kells, and he laughs at me because I sound weird with my mouth full. "Thanks. I think they are pretty great, too." he chuckles.

"Where did you learn to cook?" the smile wipes away from his face, and he just shrugs his shoulders. Unsure of what to do, i go back to my pancakes silently. We finish are food in silence.

"Thank you, they were so good." I say to him after I finish, looking at him. He starts laughing.

"What?" he just shakes his head.

"What is it?" i shove him playfully as he keeping laughing.

"Nothing," he finally says, "you just have powdered sugar on your nose..." and very swiftly he takes his finger and wipes it off, and puts his finger in his mouth, eating the sugar from my nose. We fall in a silence again.

"Well, I think I'm going to go lay in bed. I'm pretty tired." he tells me, his voice low.

"Oh, um, okay. Thanks for helping me tonight.." I bite the inside of my cheek, I don't want to be left alone right now...

"You're welcome, I'm always here if you need a distracti-" he cuts himself off, "I'm always here if you need someone." he tells me, and smiles a little. I smile back, and he leaves the room. Leaving me alone, again. My body already begins to shake, and i start to hyperventilate. To distract myself, I put away my and Kells's dishes and clean up our mess.

Suddenly, I hear a door open.

"Maddie?" i hear Seth's groggy voice call out, and he appears in the kitchen half naked. I smile, "Hey."

"What are you doing up, babe?" he asks me.

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I cleaned up." i shrug. he nods.

"Come on, come lay in bed with me and try to fall back asleep. You should've been in my bed since we got home but for some reason you insisted the couch.." he talks to himself as he he leads me to his room. He gets in the bed after me, and as soon as I hit the pillow my body is shaking again.

"Are you cold?" Seth must have noticed my shaking body.

"Uh...yeah." i lie.

"Come here." he pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me, gently pulling his hands through my hair, and he kissed my forehead gently, as I somehow slip into unconsciousness once again.

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