Green Eye

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The green-eyed monster has me again

Like a light I can't look away from

Strangers become my only friends

With a little vodka and rum

When my house looks like a crime scene

And the music dies down

I'm left a lonely queen

Without her emerald crown


I keep staring out into the night

Because no matter what I do

I can't look away from that green light

I could have it all if I just had you

I'm jealous of the city

She whispers your name

Swallowed you completely

Like a glass of champagne

The water tells me to move on

But the stars keep coming out

Every night before dawn

They tell me it's any day now


How can you tell me to stop dreaming

When it's not even day yet?

I still hope for redeeming

With every promise I kept

Chorus x2

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